O Professor Lawrence Schiffman opina sobre o Evangelho de Judas

Em The Jewish Week, Lawrence H. Schiffman – Edelman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and chair of the Skirball Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University – escreve sobre o Evangelho Copta de Judas.


Judas, Reconsidered

Despite its alleged kosher certification of Judas Iscariot, the Gospel of Judas is part of a literature that represents a sort of alternative anti-Judaism to that which developed in the era of the Church Fathers. Much has been made of the fact that this text describes Judas as having been particularly close to Jesus, who revealed to him esoteric teachings. However, the content of this revelation is a series of Gnostic teachings that are totally at odds with Christianity as we know it (…)

The Gospel of Judas discovery may lead some to read the New Testament in a way that further reduces its anti-Judaism by interpreting Judas role as part of what Christians see as the divine plan. If so, this text will have turned out to be good for the Jews. Texts such as the Gospel of Judas can help to remind us of alternative explanations and guide us towards greater understanding, but they cannot be taken as the basis for any kind of historical understanding of the first century.

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