James Tabor, The Jesus Dynasty: mais um polêmico livro sobre o Jesus Histórico

Saiu na semana passada mais um polêmico livro sobre o Jesus Histórico e as origens do cristianismo. Escrito por James D. Tabor, professor da UNC- Charlotte, USA.

TABOR, J. D. The Jesus Dynasty : The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006, 384 p. – ISBN 9780743287241

Veja uma biografia do autor e um post de Mark Goodacre no seu Mark Goodacre’s NT Blog, publicado no dia 11.


Diz a apresentação da obra:

TABOR, J. D. The Jesus Dynasty : The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006Based on a careful analysis of the earliest Christian documents and recent archaeological discoveries, The Jesus Dynasty offers a bold new interpretation of the life of Jesus and the origins of Christianity. The story is surprising, controversial, and exciting as only a long-lost history can be when it is at last recovered.In The Jesus Dynasty, biblical scholar James Tabor brings us closer than ever to the historical Jesus. Jesus, as we know, was the son of Mary, a young woman who became pregnant before her marriage to a man named Joseph. The gospels tell us that Jesus had four brothers and two sisters, all of whom probably had a different father than his. He joined a messianic movement begun by his relative John the Baptizer, whom he regarded as his teacher and a great prophet. John and Jesus together filled the roles of the Two Messiahs who were expected at the time: John, as a priestly descendant of Aaron, and Jesus, as a royal descendant of David. Together they preached the coming of the Kingdom of God. Theirs was an apocalyptic movement that expected God to establish his kingdom on earth, as described by the Prophets. The Two Messiahs lived in a time of turmoil as the historical land of Israel was dominated by the powerful Roman Empire. Fierce Jewish rebellions against Rome occurred during Jesus’ lifetime. John and Jesus preached adherence to the Torah, or the Jewish Law. But their mission was changed dramatically when John was arrested and then killed. After a period of uncertainty, Jesus began preaching anew in Galilee and challenged the Roman authorities and their Jewish collaborators in Jerusalem. He appointed a Council of Twelve to rule over the twelve tribes of Israel, and among the Twelve he included his four brothers. After Jesus was crucified by the Romans, his brother James — the “Beloved Disciple” — took over leadership of the Jesus dynasty. James, like John and Jesus before him, saw himself as a faithful Jew. None of them believed that their movement was a new religion. It was Paul who transformed Jesus and his message through his ministry to the Gentiles. Breaking with James and the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem, Paul preached a message based on his own revelations, which would become Christianity. Jesus became a figure whose humanity was obscured; John became merely a forerunner of Jesus; and James and the others were all but forgotten. James Tabor has studied the earliest surviving documents of Christianity for more than thirty years and has participated in important archaeological excavations in Israel. Drawing on this background, Tabor reconstructs for us the movement that sought the spiritual, social, and political redemption of the Jews, a movement led by one family. The Jesus Dynasty offers an alternative version of Christian origins, one that takes us closer than ever to Jesus and his family and followers. This is a book that will change our understanding of one of the most crucial moments in history.

Coronel Coleman pede desculpas pela destruição causada pelos invasores americanos à antiga Babilônia

O que se disse para a Babilônia da época de Nabucodonosor (séculos VII-VI a.C.), possivelmente com razão, continua, tristemente, a acontecer, sem razão, com a Babilônia do terceiro milênio d.C.: “A larga muralha da Babilônia será completamente arrasada e atearão fogo em suas altas portas. Assim em vão penam os povos e as nações se cansam para o fogo” (Jr 51,58).

Veja o relato da BBC, mas evite “a biscateação hermenêutica*” (veja no final do post o que é):

EUA pedem ‘desculpas’ pela destruição da Babilônia

Um oficial da marinha americana pediu “desculpas” pela destruição causada pelas tropas nos monumentos arqueológicos da Babilônia, no Iraque. Entre os vários danos, as tropas dos Estados Unidos asfaltaram largas áreas da cidade para fazer estacionamentos e um heliporto, destruíram pavimentos de cerca de dois mil anos com o peso dos veículos militares e fizeram barricadas enchendo sacos com material arqueológico. O teto de um edifício vizinho ao heliporto desmoronou em virtude da vibração causada pelos helicópteros. Os estragos causados pelas forças americanas levarão “décadas” para ser restaurados, segundo Donny George, diretor da entidade iraquiana encarregada de preservar monumentos históricos. Em entrevista à BBC, o coronel John Coleman admitiu os danos e pediu desculpas (cont.)

US marines offer Babylon apology

A senior US marine officer says he is willing to apologise for the damage caused by his troops to the ancient Iraqi site of Babylon. US forces built a helicopter pad on the ancient ruins and filled their sandbags with archaeological material in the months following the 2003 invasion. Colonel Coleman was chief of staff at Babylon when it was occupied by the First Marine Expeditionary Force (…) Col Coleman told the BBC that if the Iraqis wanted an apology for the destruction caused by his men he was willing to give one (cont.)


*Biscateação Hermenêutica ou Picaretagem Hermenêutica
“Por biscateação hermenêutica compreendemos a atitude, e a prática que lhe corresponde, consistindo em tirar da Escritura simplesmente o que reflete o próprio interesse, sem outra preocupação que de se servir dos textos bíblicos como peças destinadas a um projeto teórico ou prático preestabelecido”, explica BOFF, C. Teologia e Prática: Teologia do Político e suas mediações. 3. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1993, p. 245.

The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library já pode ser encomendada na livraria Amazon

Como anunciado aqui, agora em abril sai A Biblioteca Eletrônica dos Manuscritos do Mar Morto. A livraria virtual Amazon.com avisa que esta preciosidade já pode ser encomendada. Mas o preço continua salgado…

Diz o e-mail da Amazon.com, recebido ontem:

Dear Amazon.com Customer: As someone who has purchased books by Emanuel Tov, you might like to know that The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library will be released soon. You can pre-order your copy by following the link below: The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Library, by Emanuel Tov (Editor). Price: $279.00