Talmud online

Para quem tem interesse no Talmud, lembro que a tradução de Adin Steinsaltz está online em hebraico e inglês no site Sefaria.

Sobre isso dois artigos, em inglês, podem ser lidos:

:: Online library sets Talmud ‘free’ with full, no-charge translations – By Ben Sales – 8 February 2017 – The Times of Israel
For centuries, studying a page of the Talmud has come with a bevy of barriers to entry. Written mostly in Aramaic, the Talmud in its most commonly printed form also lacks punctuation or vowels, let alone translation. Its premier explanatory commentary, composed by the medieval sage Rashi, is usually printed in an obscure Hebrew typeface read almost exclusively by religious, learned Jews. Even then, scholars can still spend hours figuring out what the text means. And that’s not to mention the Talmud’s size and cost: 37 full volumes, called tractates, take up an entire shelf of a library and can cost several thousand dollars. Now, a website hopes to build on these earlier breakthroughs and break all the barriers at once. Sefaria, a website founded in 2013 that aims to put the seemingly infinite Jewish canon online for free, has published an acclaimed translation of the Talmud in English. The translation, which includes explanatory notes in relatively plain language, was started by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz in 1965 and is considered by many to be the best in its class (…) The translation’s publication was made possible by a multimillion-dollar deal with the Steinsaltz edition’s publishers, Milta and Koren Publishers Jerusalem, and financed by the William Davidson Foundation, a family charity. The edition will be known as The William Davidson Talmud.

:: The Babylonian Talmud Is Now Available Free Online in English and Hebrew – By Yair Rosenberg – February 7, 2017 – Tablet
One of the most accessible Hebrew and English translations of the Babylonian Talmud is going open source. Today, Sefaria, an online nonprofit bringing traditional Jewish texts to the internet, announced that it will be posting the entire compendium with the crisp bilingual translation of Jerusalem polymath Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Yisrael. A multi-decade scholarly effort first published in Israel, the Hebrew Steinsaltz Talmud has long been a print staple of the beit midrash, while the English edition has been distributed by Random House and Koren Publishers. Now, however, both translations will be available to anyone with an internet connection, thanks to a grant from the William Davidson Foundation.

Quem é Adin Steinsaltz? Confira aqui, aqui e aqui.

Observo que o site Sefaria está também disponível em aplicativos gratuitos para Android e iOS.

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