Livro coordenado por Boccaccini tem nova resenha na Review of Biblical Literature

Foi publicada na Review of Biblical Literature, no dia 29/04/2006, mais uma resenha do livro que comentei no Observatório Bíblico no dia 25 de janeiro com o post Enoch and Qumran Origins: 47 pesquisadores debatem o tema.

BOCCACCINI, Gabriele (ed.) Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005, xviii + 472 p.

Desta vez quem faz a resenha é James E. Harding, University of Otago, Dunedin, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Certamente é algo que lerei com calma e comentarei mais detalhadamente, pois achei o livro muito interessante, embora o tenha visto apenas de longe. Aliás, todo o trabalho coordenado por Gabriele Boccaccini é fascinante. Já li outros textos dele.

James E. Harding, termina assim sua resenha:

I would commend most highly this important and exciting volume to all scholars and students of Second Temple Jewish literature and early Christianity. It should provide a stimulus to future research on several critical issues. The book is essential reading for scholars and research students working on any aspect of Second Temple Judaism and the Jewish framework for the origins of Christianity. The general readability of the papers the volume contains, combined with the fact that it offers an insight into the current state of play in several key areas of research, suggest that the volume as a whole, or one or more of its constituent parts, would make an interesting basis for a graduate seminar.

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