Crossan e Wright conversam sobre a ressurreição de Jesus

Mark Goodacre assinala no seu Mark Goodacre’s NT Blog este livro que merece ser melhor verificado. A obra é o resultado de um debate entre John Dominic Crossan e N. T. Wright que aconteceu no ano passado no New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

STEWART, Robert B. (ed.) The Resurrection of Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright in Dialogue. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005, 240 p.
A descrição da editora diz:

Two of today’s most important and popular New Testament scholars, John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright, here air their very different understandings of the historical reality and theological meaning of Jesus’ Resurrection. The book highlights points of agreement and disagreement between them and explores the many attendant issues. This book brings two leading lights in Jesus studies together for a long-overdue conversation with one another and with significant scholars from other disciplines. The contributors include: John Dominic Crossan, N. T. Wright, Robert Stewart, William Lane Craig, Craig Evans, R. Douglas Geivett, Gary Habermas, Ted Peters, Charles Quarles, Alan Segal.

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