Crossan: Latim, Grego ou Aramaico?

Leia o post Crossan, Back to Greek, or, Better, Aramaic? no biblioblog de Mark Goodacre, NT Blog.


Crossan’s latest contribution to On Faith is:

Back to Greek, or, Better, Aramaic?

. . . . In terms of Roman Catholicism, our ancestors in faith began with Aramaic, changed to Greek, then tried Latin, and finally, moved into the various vernaculars. If we wish to revert to our linguistic origins, why just to Latin, why not to Aramaic with Jesus or Greek with the New Testament? . . .

Mas não fique apenas no Crossan. Siga o link no post de Mark, para apreciar a riqueza de opiniões sobre o assunto, como, por exemplo, a de Kathleen Flake…

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