Traduttore, traditore?

Tradurre in generale è un lavoraccio…

Veja este exemplo de uma nova tradução da Bíblia em alemão, noticiado por Die Tageszeitung. O que você pensa disto?

Recomendo a leitura do artigo de José Luiz GONZAGA DO PRADO, Traduzir: interpretar ou re-criar? Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 32, 1991, p. 89-92. José Luiz discute alguns problemas corriqueiros das traduções bíblicas, mas que nos afetam diariamente, como: o erudito e o popular; linguagem técnica x linguagem literária; ‘linguagem bíblica’ e mudança cultural; até onde recriar?

Proveitosa será também a leitura das recensões de Ney Brasil PEREIRA, onde são avaliadas duas traduções da Bíblia muito usadas nos meios católicos brasileiros: Bíblia de Jerusalém. Nova edição, revista e ampliada. São Paulo: Paulus, 2002. In: Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 76, 2002, p. 79-81; Bíblia Sagrada. 2. ed. Tradução da CNBB, com introduções e notas. São Paulo/Petrópolis/Aparecida: Ave Maria / Vozes / Salesiana / Paulus / Santuário / Paulinas / Loyola, 2002. In: Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 77, 2003, p. 67-75.

Excelente livro sobre os problemas de tradução da Bíblia: the theory, history, and practice of Bible translation in a collection of 21 essays by leading scholars and practitioners…

Leia: SCORGIE, G. G.; STRAUSS, M. L.; VOTH, S. M. (eds.), The Challenge of Bible Translation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2003, 432 p.


Justiça manda apreender livro anti-semita em São Paulo

Por ordem da Justiça, 1.680 exemplares do livro “Os Protocolos dos Sábios do Sião” foram apreendidos na segunda-feira (17) na sede da editora Centauro, na zona norte de São Paulo. O livro é considerado ofensivo pela comunidade judaica por relatar um suposto plano de dominação do mundo feito por judeus (…) “Os Protocolos dos Sábios do Sião” foi publicado pela primeira vez no início do século 20, na Rússia czarista. O livro – que é apócrifo – descreve um suposto plano judeu de dominação do mundo. Segundo a enciclopédia livre Wikipedia, o texto é considerado fraudulento por vários historiadores da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. De acordo com o site, há evidências de que ele tenha sido produzido por autoridades russas. Leia Mais.

The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion (Russian: “Протоколы Сионских мудрецов” or “Сионские Протоколы”) is a text frequently quoted and reprinted by anti-Semites, purporting to describe a plan to achieve Jewish global domination. It has been repeatedly exposed as a hoax by numerous independent investigations during the last hundred years. The Encyclopædia Britannica describes the Protocols as a “fraudulent document that served as a pretext and rationale for anti-Semitism in the early 20th century”. Mainstream historians in the United States of America and Europe have long agreed that the text is fraudulent; this has also been stated in a number of court cases worldwide, e.g., as early as the 1930s in Bern, Switzerland. In 1993, a district court in Moscow, Russia, formally ruled that the Protocols were faked in dismissing a libel suit by the ultra-nationalist Pamyat organization, which had been criticized for using them in their anti-Semitic publications (…) It was first published abridged in series from August 28 to September 7 (O.S.), 1903 in St. Petersburg daily newspaper Знамя (Znamya, The Banner) by Pavel Krushevan who four months earlier initiated the Kishinev pogrom. There is evidence that the text was written by an operative of the Imperial Russian Okhranka Matvei Golovinski and was based on an early work by Maurice Joly linking Napoleon III to Machiavelli. For Tsar Nicholas II, who was fearful of modernization and protective of his monarchy, it would have been convenient to present the growing revolutionary movement as part of a powerful world conspiracy and blame the Jews for Russia’s problems. Leia Mais.

It is now 100 years since the emergence of the infamous forgery, “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” the document which generated massive anti-Semitism all over the world. The story of the Protocols is well known. Developed by the Tsar’s secret police in 1905, it claimed to be the real discussions of the Jewish leaders’ conspiracy to rule the world. It is a classic in paranoid, racist literature. Taken by the gullible as the confidential minutes of a Jewish conclave convened in the last years of the 19th century, it has been heralded by anti-Semites as proof that Jews are plotting to take over the world. The document had a life of its own after World War I. It spread through Russia during the turmoil of the Communist revolution and its aftermath, playing a role in the murder of tens of thousands of Jews. It was picked up by auto magnate Henry Ford in the United States. “The Dearborn Independent,” owned by Ford, published an American version of the Protocols between May and September of 1920 in a series called “The International Jew: the World’s Foremost Problem.” The articles were later republished in book form with half a million copies in circulation. This helped to spread pernicious anti-Semitism in this country in the 1920s. Adolf Hitler cited the document as proof…

A gramática de hebraico do Gesenius está online

A clássica Gramática de Hebraico do Gesenius está, hoje, mais acessível do que nunca para consulta, pois pode ser acessada gratuitamente online. Confira aqui ou aqui.

Sem nos esquecermos, é claro, da edição impressa: GESENIUS, W.; KAUTZSCH, E. (ed.) Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar. New York: Dover Publications, 2006, 598 p. – ISBN 9780486443447.


Quem foi Gesenius?

Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm Gesenius (February 3, 1786 – October 23, 1842), was a German orientalist and Biblical critic. He was born at Nordhausen, Thuringia. In 1803 he became a student of philosophy and theology at the University of Helmstädt, where Heinrich Henke was his most influential teacher; but the latter part of his university course was taken at the Göttingen, where J. G. Eichhorn and T.C. Tychsen were then at the height of their popularity. In 1806, shortly after graduation, he became Repetent and Privatdozent at Göttingen; and, as he was later proud to say, had August Neander for his first pupil in Hebrew language. In 1810 he became professor extraordinarius in theology, and in 1811 ordinarius, at the University of Halle, where, in spite of many offers of high preferment elsewhere, he spent the rest of his life.

He taught for over thirty years, the only interruptions being that of 1813-1814 (occasioned by the War of Liberation, during which the university was closed) and those occasioned by two prolonged literary tours, first in 1820 to Paris, London and Oxford with his colleague Johann Karl Thilo (1794-1853) for the examination of rare oriental manuscripts, and in 1835 to England and the Netherlands in connection with his Phoenician studies. He became the most popular teacher of Hebrew and of Old Testament introduction and exegesis in Germany; during his later years his lectures were attended by nearly five hundred students. Among his pupils the most eminent were Peter von Bohlen, A.G. Hoffmann, Hermann Hupfeld, Emil Rödiger, J.F. Tuch, Wilhelm Vatke and Theodor Benfey.

In 1827, after declining an invitation to take Eichhorn’s place at Göttingen, Gesenius was made a Consistorialrath; but, apart from the violent attacks to which he, along with his friend and colleague
Julius Wegscheider, was in 1830 subjected by E.W. Hengstenberg and his party in the Evangelische Kirchenzeitung, on account of his rationalism, his life was uneventful. He died at Halle.

Gesenius takes much of the credit for having freed Semitic philology from the trammels of Theological and religious prepossession, and for inaugurating the strictly scientific (and comparative) method which has since been so fruitful. As an exegete he exercised a powerful influence on theological investigation.


A Gramática

Of his many works, the earliest, published in 1810, entitled Versuch über die maltesische Sprache, was a successful refutation of the current opinion that the modern Maltese was of Punic origin. In the same year appeared the first volume of the Hebräisches u. Chaldäisches Handwörterbuch, completed in 1812. Revised editions of this appear periodically in Germany. The publication of a new English edition was started in 1892 under the editorship of Professors C.A. Briggs, S.R. Driver and F. Brown. The Hebräische Grammatik, published in 1813 (28th edition by E. Kautzsch; English translation by A.E. Cowley, 1910; 29th edition [incomplete] by G. Bergsträsser, 1918-29), was followed in 1815 by the Geschichte der hebräischen Sprache (now very rare), and in 1817 by the Ausführliches Lehrgebäude der hebräischen Sprache.

Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni – Recursos para o estudo da Bíblia

Encyclopaedia Gentium Boni: numerosos recursos para o estudo da Bíblia, com forte ênfase na língua hebraica. Tanto para consulta online, quanto para download. Por Didier Fontaine. Em francês.

Uma pequena amostra dos recursos hebraicos: dictionnaires, grammaires complètes, méthodes d’initiation, syntaxe, textes analysés, textes de référence, conjugaisons, ouvrages indispensables, flashcards, logiciels gratuits… Mas há mais! Veja alguns recursos bíblicos: textes originaux, manuscrits, critique textuelle, ressources bibliographiques, encyclopédies et dictionnaires, atlas bibliques…

Visite a Eisenbrauns

A Eisenbrauns, de Indiana, USA, é uma respeitada casa com publicações acadêmicas de excelente qualidade sobre o Antigo Oriente Médio, estudos bíblicos, arqueologia e assiriologia.


Established in 1975 by Jim and Merna Eisenbraun primarily as a means for students at the University of Michigan to purchase books in Ancient Near East studies affordably, Eisenbrauns grew over the years to include a publishing program, a prepress house, and book distribution and sales. In 2017, Eisenbrauns secured the future of its highly regarded publications in Ancient Near East studies, biblical studies, biblical archaeology, Assyriology, linguistics, and related fields by becoming an imprint of Penn State University Press, where the books and journals will complement PSU Press’s prestigious lists in religious studies and Jewish studies.

A university press is a natural home for Eisenbrauns, even if such a move is rare in the broader industry. Jim and his publishing house have long and deep relationships in the university press world. A publisher of premier peer-reviewed scholarship, Eisenbrauns handles prepress and other specialized production work for a number of university press journals and books, and the company’s service-oriented philosophy aligns well with the mission underlying every university press operation.

O Pentateuco: do consenso wellhauseniano aos novos paradigmas

A disciplina Pentateuco é estudada no segundo semestre do primeiro ano, com carga horária de 4 horas semanais. Tempo que atualmente se tornou curto, pois há uma profunda crise nesta área de estudos, muito semelhante à crise da História de Israel. A teoria clássica das fontes JEDP do Pentateuco, elaborada no século XIX por Hupfeld, Kuenen, Reuss, Graf e, especialmente, Wellhausen, vem sofrendo, desde meados da década de 70 do século XX, sérios abalos, de forma que hoje muitos pesquisadores consideram impossível assumir, sem mais, este modelo como ponto de partida. O consenso wellhauseniano foi rompido, contudo, ainda não se conseguiu um novo consenso e muitas são as propostas hoje existentes para explicar a origem e a formação do Pentateuco.

I. Ementa
Oferece ao aluno um panorama da pesquisa exegética na área da formação e composição dos cinco primeiros livros da Bíblia e estuda os seus principais textos.

II. Objetivos
Familiariza o aluno com as tradições históricas de Israel e com as mais recentes pesquisas na área do Pentateuco para que o uso do texto na prática pastoral possa ser feito de forma consciente.

III. Conteúdo Programático
1. A redação do Pentateuco em três tempos
2. Novos paradigmas no estudo do Pentateuco
3. O Decálogo: Ex 20,1-17 e Dt 5,6-21
4. Códigos do Antigo Oriente Médio
5. O Código da Aliança: Ex 20,22-23,19
6. A criação: Gn 1,1-2,4a e Gn 2,4b-25
7. O pecado em quatro quadros: Gn 3,1-24
8. Caim e Abel: Gn 4,1-26
9. Patriarcas pré-diluvianos – de Adão a Noé: Gn 5,1-28.30-32
10. O dilúvio: Gn 6,5-9,19
11. A cidade e a torre de Babel: Gn 11,1-9
12. As tradições patriarcais: Gn 11,27-37,1
13. A história de José: Gn 37,5-50,26
14. O êxodo do Egito: Ex 1-15

IV. Bibliografia
DA SILVA, A. J. O pentateuco e a história de Israel. In: Teologia na pós-modernidade: abordagens epistemológica, sistemática e teórico-prática. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2003. p. 173-215.

DE PURY, A. (org.) O Pentateuco em questão: as origens e a composição dos cinco primeiros livros da Bíblia à luz das pesquisas recentes. 2. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2002.

GARCÍA LÓPEZ, F. O Pentateuco. São Paulo: Ave-Maria, 2004.

GRUEN, W. et al. Os dez mandamentos: várias leituras 2. ed. Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 9, 1987.

MESTERS, C. Paraíso terrestre: saudade ou esperança? 17. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2001.

SCHWANTES, M. et al. A memória popular do êxodo. 2. ed. Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 16, 1996.

SKA, J.-L. Introdução à leitura do Pentateuco: chaves para a interpretação dos cinco primeiros livros da Bíblia. São Paulo: Loyola, 2003. Resenha disponível na Ayrton’s Biblical Page > Ler o Pentateuco.

BRIEND, J. (org.) A criação e o dilúvio segundo os textos do Oriente Médio Antigo 2. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 1990.

BOUZON, E. Uma coleção de direito babilônico pré-hammurabiano: leis do reino de Eshnunna. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2001.

BOUZON, E. O Código de Hammurabi. 10. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2003.

CRÜSEMANN, F. A Torá: teologia e história social da lei do Antigo Testamento. 2. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2002.

GARCÍA LÓPEZ, F. O decálogo. São Paulo: Paulus, 1997.

GERSTENBERGER, E. et al. A Lei. Estudos Bíblicos, Petrópolis, n. 51, 1996.

GERTZ, J. C.; SCHMID, K.; WITTE, M. (eds.) Abschied vom Jahwisten: Die Komposition des Hexateuch in der jüngsten Diskussion. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2002.

MESTERS, C. Bíblia, livro da aliança. 6. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 1997.

SCHWANTES, M. Projetos de esperança: meditações sobre Gênesis 1-11. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2002.

SCHWANTES, M. et al. Pentateuco. RIBLA, Petrópolis/São Leopoldo, n. 23, 1996/1.

SPARKS, K. L. The Pentateuch: An Annotated Bibliography. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002.

STORNIOLO, I. Mandamentos, ontem e hoje (Entrevista com Pe. Ivo Storniolo). Vida Pastoral, São Paulo, n. 149, pp. 27-29, nov./dez. 1989.

STORNIOLO, I. Como ler o livro do Levítico: a formação de um povo santo. 3. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 1997.

STORNIOLO, I. A cidade e sua torre: bênção ou castigo? Vida Pastoral, São Paulo, n. 152 , p. 2-7, maio/junho 1990.

VAN SETERS, J. The Pentateuch: A Social-Science Commentary. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999.

WATTS, J. W. ( ed.) Persia and Torah: The Theory of Imperial Authorization of the Pentateuch. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2001.

Novo livro de Israel Finkelstein e Neil Asher Silberman vem aí

Dos autores do consagrado The Bible Unearthed (tradução brasileira: A Bíblia desenterrada), vem aí novo livro. Desta vez sobre Davi e Salomão e sobre o que deles se falou e se pode falar hoje.

FINKELSTEIN, I.; SILBERMAN, N. A. David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible’s Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition. New York: The Free Press, 2006, 352 p.

A editora oferece a seguinte descrição da obra:

FINKELSTEIN, I.; SILBERMAN, N. A. David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible’s Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition. New York: The Free Press, 2006The exploding number of discoveries of biblical archaeology – artifacts and texts found at hundreds of sites populated in the ancient Near East – have shed powerful beams of light on the characters and peoples in the Bible. Most of the resulting public controversies have focused on whether or not the history in the Bible is true. Yet ultimately, there are two larger questions that matter more: exactly how did the Bible evolve into its final form, over the centuries-long process of its compilation, and what does that history tell us about the traditions we have inherited and that still stamp our memories?

In David and Solomon, Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman, leading archaeologists and authors who have done a great deal to uncover and understand the breathtaking findings of their field, focus on the first two great kings of the Bible as a lens through which we can see the evolution of the entire biblical era. The Bible’s chapters and verses on David and his son were written in stages, over many hundreds of years, by authors living in very different circumstances. Thanks to a combination of textual analysis and archaeology, we now know a great deal about which parts of the story were written in which era, and why those particular societies might have added to the legend precisely as they did. In short, David and Solomon offers a guide to a thousand years of ancient civilization and the evolution of a tradition of kingly leadership that held sway throughout the West for much of our history.

The earliest folklore and verses about David depict a bandit leader, hiding in the mountains, leading a small gang of traveling raiders (which fits what we know of the ninth century B.C.E.). That bandit may well be the “true” David. In later periods, authors added images of David as a poet, as the founder of a great dynasty, as a political in-fighter, and (perhaps most famously) as a sinner. All of these images made sense for the authors who created them, and a similar evolution of Solomon from the builder of the Temple, to expander of his empire, to wise sage, to rich trader similarly reflects the successive stages of history up to the time of Jesus. Ultimately, David and Solomon came to embody a tradition of divinely inspired kings and even messiahs, the forerunners of Jesus and of the great kings of Europe throughout the Middle Ages.

David and Solomon shows how the stories built around two men reflect the very roots of the western tradition and explains a great deal of why the Bible appears as it does.

Na página da Free Press pode-se ler a Introdução do livro. Cito alguns trechos apenas:

Archaeology is today the most important tool at our disposal for reconstructing the evolution of ancient Israelite society. Elsewhere in the ancient world, archaeological Israel Finkelsteinresearch has also transformed our vision of the past (…) The discrepancies between art and literature, on the one hand, and documented, verifiable history and archaeological evidence, on the other, have made us see the founder myths of antiquity for what they are: shared expressions of ancient communal identity, told with great power and insight, still interesting and worthy of study, but certainly not to be taken as literal, credible records of events.

Such is the case with David and Solomon, who are depicted in the biblical narrative as founding fathers of the ancient Israelite state. Yet we can now say – as we will argue in considerable detail throughout this book – that many of the famous episodes in the biblical story of David and Solomon are fictions, historically questionable, or highly exaggerated. In the following chapters we will present archaeological evidence to show that there was no united monarchy of Israel in the way that the Bible describes it. Although it seems probable that David and Solomon were actual historical characters, they were very different from their scriptural portraits. We will show that it is highly unlikely that David ever conquered territories of peoples more than a day or two’s march from the heartland of Judah. We will suggest that Solomon’s Jerusalem was neither extensive nor impressive, but rather the rough hilltop stronghold of a local dynasty of rustic tribal chiefs. Yet the point of this book is not simply to debunk stories from the Bible. Alone among the great legends of Near Eastern and classical antiquity, the Bible retains its power to inspire hopes and dreams for living communities around the world even today. Our goal is to show how the legends of David and Solomon developed, and how they came to guide western thinking and shape western religious and political traditions in important ways.

As we proceed through the following chapters, we will analyze and attempt to date the various layers of the biblical story, describing the main issues in the now-bitter scholarly disagreements about its historical reliability, and presenting new archaeological evidence that is central to that debate. We will show, step by step, period by period, how the historical reality of ancient Judah – as revealed by archaeological research – gave rise both to a dynasty and to a legend that was transformed and expanded in a process of historical reinterpretation that continues even today.

DUSANE: DUtch Symposium of the Ancient Near East

DUtch Symposium of the Ancient Near East, Leiden 2006: Nomadism, Pastoralism, and Current Research.

The first Dutch symposium of the Ancient Near East (DUSANE) is an initiative of students from the Faculty of Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Leiden. The symposium shall be held on Saturday the eleventh of March 2006 [leia sobre o Simpósio de 2010].

This symposium aims to bring various Dutch scholars together, to enhance the scientific-archaeological work carried out by Dutch scholars in the Near East and to bring this work to the attention of the wider, non-scholarly public. We aim to exchange information among project directors, students, colleagues and all those interested in Dutch archaeological research in the countries of today’s Middle East (…) Our speakers include directors of current key archaeological research projects, Assyriologists, and material specialists.Studenten van het Leidse dispuut van archeologie van het nabije Oosten, Nabu Naíd, van de Faculteit Archeologie in Leiden organiseren in 2006 voor de eerste keer het Dutch Symposium of the Ancient Near East (DUSANE). Het symposium indt plaats op zaterdag 11 maart 2006 in Leiden…