DUSANE: DUtch Symposium of the Ancient Near East

DUtch Symposium of the Ancient Near East, Leiden 2006: Nomadism, Pastoralism, and Current Research.

The first Dutch symposium of the Ancient Near East (DUSANE) is an initiative of students from the Faculty of Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in Leiden. The symposium shall be held on Saturday the eleventh of March 2006 [leia sobre o Simpósio de 2010].

This symposium aims to bring various Dutch scholars together, to enhance the scientific-archaeological work carried out by Dutch scholars in the Near East and to bring this work to the attention of the wider, non-scholarly public. We aim to exchange information among project directors, students, colleagues and all those interested in Dutch archaeological research in the countries of today’s Middle East (…) Our speakers include directors of current key archaeological research projects, Assyriologists, and material specialists.Studenten van het Leidse dispuut van archeologie van het nabije Oosten, Nabu Naíd, van de Faculteit Archeologie in Leiden organiseren in 2006 voor de eerste keer het Dutch Symposium of the Ancient Near East (DUSANE). Het symposium indt plaats op zaterdag 11 maart 2006 in Leiden…

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