Desafios do bem blogar

Acabei de ver, de Charles Ellwood Jones, Why Blog? / Does Blogging Matter? (again), de hoje, que remete a Bill Caraher, Reflecting on Academic Blogging at 500 Posts, também de hoje, que lembra Charles Ellwood Jones, Why Blog? / Does Blogging Matter? de 28 de maio, onde são citadas várias postagens, entre elas a minha Um blog é uma ferramenta democrática, de 26 de maio de 2009…


A esta conversa acrescento ainda a experiência do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura de 1998, o português José Saramago, mencionada em Saramago: o blog ilumina o caminho de seu autor e o livro de James G. CROSSLEY, Jesus in an Age of Terror: Scholarly Projects for a New American Century. London: Equinox Publishing, 2008, 256 p. – ISBN 9781845534295 (Hardback) 9781845534301 (Paperback), que suscitou certa polêmica sobre a relação dos exegetas com o imperialismo.

Vale a leitura.

Pois a mim, o que me assombra e me desgosta é o conservadorismo político, social e teológico de uma parcela significativa dos biblioblogueiros. Posso até estar enganado, contudo acho que este conservadorismo predomina entre os jovens biblioblogueiros. Não posso deixar de perguntar: que papel político exercem os biblioblogs no mundo atual?

Mas, em sua postagem, diz Bill Caraher, Professor no Departamento de História da Universidade da Dakota do Norte, entre outras coisas interessantes:
This past weekend, I read the first couple of chapters of Scott Rosenberg’s Say Everything: How Blogging Began and What It’s Becoming and Why It Matters. (New York 2009). The key thing that these chapters reminded me was how radical blogging was in the days of Justin Hall (ahhh, the mid 1990s!). His proto-blog was intimate, compelling, and a real (or at least significantly visible) departure from previous uses of the internet. Academic blogs have tried to keep up a bit of a radical edge. Some bloggers write anonymously. Others write on explicitly radical topics. But few blogs these days embrace the radical potential of the medium. In fact, if anything blogs have become increasingly mainstream…


Sobre o livro por ele citado, ROSENBERG, S. Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It’s Becoming, and Why It Matters. New York: Crown, 2009, 416 p. – ISBN 9780307451361, diz a editora:

Blogs are everywhere. They have exposed truths and spread rumors. Made and lost fortunes. Brought couples together and torn them apart. Toppled cabinet members and sparked grassroots movements. Immediate, intimate, and influential, they have put the power of personal publishing into everyone’s hands. Regularly dismissed as trivial and ephemeral, they have proved that they are here to stay. In Say Everything, Scott Rosenberg chronicles blogging’s unplanned rise and improbable triumph, tracing its impact on politics, business, the media, and our personal lives. He offers close-ups of innovators such as Blogger founder Evan Williams, investigative journalist Josh Marshall, exhibitionist diarist Justin Hall, software visionary Dave Winer, “mommyblogger” Heather Armstrong, and many others. These blogging pioneers were the first to face new dilemmas that have become common in the era of Google and Facebook, and their stories offer vital insights and warnings as we navigate the future. How much of our lives should we reveal on the Web? Is anonymity a boon or a curse? Which voices can we trust? What does authenticity look like on a stage where millions are fighting for attention, yet most only write for a handful? And what happens to our culture now that everyone can say everything?

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