Ferramentas web para educadores

Uma grande coleção de artigos e subsídios muito úteis para quem vive no mundo acadêmico ou, simplesmente, para quem precisa conhecer, usar ou explicar aspectos da tecnologia digital na qual estamos mergulhados. Confira o site

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, de Med Kharbach, que vive no Canadá e é, além de outras coisas, um edublogger (blogueiro sobre educação).

Ele define seu site como a resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators.

Para escolher os recursos que lhe interessam, veja o mapa do site.

Li, por enquanto, sobre academic blogging e sobre e-book resources e gostei bastante.

Encontrei hoje esta dica no site Gizmo’s Freeware, que explica, em Great Collection of Articles and Aids for Understanding and Explaining Technology – Updated 30. July 2014 – 13:48 by v.laurie, o seguinte:

If you are an educator or someone who frequently explains technology to others, here is a resource that is a real find. It is a website called Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. The site has a large collection of useful classroom tools and teaching aids. But you don’t have to be a classroom teacher to benefit from this collection. Anyone who is interested in learning about technology or who is involved in showing others how to use technology will find much that is useful listed here. There are how-to articles, slideshows, iPad and Android apps, free downloads, lists of free books, and much more.

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