Importante papiro do NT muda de nome

O P75, papiro do começo do século III, ou um pouco antes, é um dos mais antigos testemunhos do texto do Novo Testamento. Pois o Bodmer Papyrus XIV-XV (P75) passa a se chamar Hanna Papyrus 1 (Mater Verbi), em homenagem à familia Hanna que, em 2007, o comprou e doou à Biblioteca Vaticana.

Veja a nota, em italiano:

“La biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana desidera esprimere la sua profonda gratitudine alla famiglia Hanna e alla Solidarity Association per aver donato alla Biblioteca, nel gennaio 2007, uno fra i più importanti e preziosi manoscritti dei Vangeli, il Papiro Hanna 1 (Mater Verbi), precedentemente conservato presso la Bibliotheca Bodmeriana a Cologny, in Svizzera. Vergato agli inizi del III secolo d.C., è uno dei più antichi testimoni superstiti del testo del Nuovo Testamento.

Originariamente conteneva per intero i Vangeli di Luca e di Giovanni, in questo ordine; oggi, circa 1.800 anni dopo, conserva ancora circa la metà di entrambi i Vangeli in condizioni soddisfacenti, tra cui la versione lucana del Padre Nostro (Lc 11,1-4). Per alcuni passi, come Gv 6,12-16, è addirittura il testimone più antico.

Noto agli studiosi come P75 questo papiro è una delle fonti più importanti per la ricostruzione del testo dei Vangeli; è anche il più antico manoscritto in cui si vede, in un’unica pagina, la transizione tra la fine di un Vangelo e l’inizio del seguente, il che costituisce la prima testimonianza diretta dell’ordine dei libri nel canone dei Vangeli”.

O P75 pertencia à Biblioteca Bodmeriana, que fica em Cologny, Suíça.

Leia também: A New Name for P75, texto escrito por Peter M. Head no blog Evangelical Textual Criticism.

Codex Vaticano está online

O Codex Vaticano está disponível online.

O Codex Vaticano (B), assim chamado porque desde o século XV está na Biblioteca Vaticana, contém, além do AT quase todo na versão da LXX, a maior parte do NT. É do séc. IV, vem provavelmente do Egito e é um dos melhores textos do NT.

Leia um pouco sobre o Codex Vaticano e outros textos antigos do NT aqui.

Codex Vaticanus (B) is now available on-line including LXX and NT. The Vatican Library has digitised Codex Vaticanus. It is an majuscule manuscript that dates to the mid-fourth century and contains almost the entire Christian canon in Greek.

Edições acadêmicas da Bíblia na DBG

Sociedade Bíblica Alemã: Bíblias Online

:: No site da Sociedade Bíblica Alemã (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft = DBG) estão disponíveis online textos originais das seguintes edições da Bíblia: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia – Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. Nestle-Aland), 28. Edição – Novo Testamento Grego (UBS5) – Septuaginta (ed. Rahlfs/Hanhart) – Vulgata (ed. Weber/Gryson).

:: The following editions are currently available: Hebrew Old Testament following the text of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia – Greek New Testament following the text of the Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. Nestle-Aland), 28. Edition and the UBS Greek New Testament – Greek Old Testament following the text of the Septuagint (ed. Rahlfs/Hanhart) – Latin Bible following the text of the Vulgate (ed. Weber/Gryson).

:: Folgende Urtext-Ausgaben stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung: Hebräisches Altes Testament nach dem Text der Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia – Griechisches Neues Testament nach dem Text des Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. Nestle-Aland), 28. Auflage – Griechisches Neues Testament nach dem Text des UBS Greek New Testament – Griechisches Altes Testament nach dem Text der Septuaginta (ed. Rahlfs/Hanhart) – Lateinische Bibel nach dem Text der Vulgata (ed. Weber/Gryson).

E em um post de 4 de setembro de 2011 tenho a mesma lista, mais as traduções modernas disponíveis: Bíblias Online na Sociedade Bíblica Alemã.

Agora, recomendo baixar do site da SBL o seguinte livrinho em pdf:

Textual Research on the Bible: An Introduction to the Scholarly Editions of the German Bible Society

What Is Old Testament Textual Research?
I. The Biblia Hebraica by Rudolf Kittel (BHK)
II. The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS)
III. The Future of the Biblia Hebraica: The Biblia Hebraica Quinta (BHQ) Project

What Is New Testament Textual Research?
I. The Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece and Its History
II. The Greek New Testament and Its History
III. The Significance of the Two Editions Today
IV. The Outlook: New Testament Textual Research Continues

E, finalmente, leia este post: Society of Biblical Literature: Texts and Resources – Charles Jones: AWOL –  May 22, 2014.

Uma nova edição crítica da Bíblia Hebraica

A New Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible – Ronald Hendel: The Bible and Interpretation – August 2014

Recently the SBL announced its sponsorship of a new text-critical project, “The Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition,” of which I am the general editor. The HBCE represents a new model for a critical edition of the Hebrew Bible, although it will be generally familiar to scholars who use critical editions of other ancient works such as the Septuagint or New Testament. The HBCE will consist of critical texts of each book of the Hebrew Bible, accompanied by extensive text-critical commentary and introductions to each volume. A critical text (sometimes called an eclectic text) is one that contains the best readings according to the judgment of the editor. The editors are eminent scholars from North America, Europe, Africa, and Israel.

The HBCE text will not reproduce a single manuscript [as is the case with the other critical editions, BHQ (= Biblia Hebraica Quinta) and HUBP (= Hebrew University Bible Project)], but will approximate the manuscript that was the latest common ancestor of all the extant manuscripts. This “earliest inferable text” is called the archetype. This is not identical to the original text (however one defines this elusive term), but is the earliest recoverable text of a particular book. To be more precise, the HBCE critical text will approximate the corrected archetype, since the archetype will have some scribal errors that can be remedied. (…)

As a twenty-first century project, the HBCE will have a sophisticated electronic version, which will include all the material from the print volumes plus all the texts and versions, including photographs of important manuscripts. The electronic HBCE will be an interactive polyglot edition, including the HBCE critical text and commentary. It will be free and open-access (…)

The HBCE project (under its former moniker, the Oxford Hebrew Bible) has attracted some serious criticism from distinguished textual critics, including Emanuel Tov, Hugh Williamson, and Adrian Schenker. As a new model, it raises many difficult theoretical and methodological issues. I welcome the criticisms of these and other scholars, because their arguments have inspired us to clarify and improve our theory and method. Detailed argument is the lifeblood of good scholarship, and in our case it has helped us to refine our project in its formative stages.

Some scholars hold that a fully critical edition of the Hebrew Bible — featuring a critical text — is an impossible or unimaginable goal. We maintain that the attempt is warranted — and is indeed the goal of textual criticism. It will not be a perfect text, but it will be a valuable contribution to scholarship and will create new tools for future research…

Leia o texto completo.

Visite a página oficial do projeto: The Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition

Loeb Classical Library disponível online

Ainda em 2014 a famosa Loeb Classical Library, publicada pela Harvard University Press, colocará online os mais de 500 volumes da coleção bilíngue de clássicos da literatura grega e latina.

Clique em Browse Authors.

Veja a nota no site:

Forthcoming in Fall 2014: The Digital Loeb Classical Library®

The Loeb Classical Library®, founded by James Loeb in 1911, has from the very beginning fostered its stated mission to make classical Greek and Latin literature accessible to the broadest range of readers. The digital Loeb Classical library extends this mission for readers of the twenty-first century. Harvard University Press is honored to renew James Loeb’s vision of accessibility and with the introduction of the digital Loeb Classical Library presents an interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin literature. Epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church fathers who made particular use of the Classics—in short, our entire Greek and Latin Classical heritage is represented here with up-to-date texts and accurate and literate English translations. 523 volumes of fully searchable Latin, Greek, and English texts are available in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease.

The Loeb Classical Library® is published and distributed by Harvard University Press. It is a registered trademark of the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Parte da Loeb Classical Library já foi digitalizada e está disponível para download. Veja: Loebolus: Open Access to all the public domain Loeb Classical Library volumes. E onde se diz:

Loebolus is based on Edwin Donnelly’s “Downloebables”, aiming to make all the public domain Loebs more easily downloadable by re-hosting the PDF’s directly, without the need to enter CAPTCHA’s. You can also download a .zip containing all 277 PDF’s (3.2GB).   

Bíblia de Gutenberg está na web

Bíblia de Gutenberg é digitalizada –  Book Reader: 03/12/2013

Bíblias antigas e textos bíblicos das bibliotecas Bodleian [da universidade de Oxford] e do Vaticano foram digitalizados e disponibilizados para o público pela primeira vez. O primeiro livro impresso da Europa, a Bíblia de 1455 de Gutenberg, é um dos textos agora acessíveis no site do projeto liderado por Oxford e a cidade do Vaticano. O projeto, de 2 milhões de libras, vai digitalizar 1,5 milhão de páginas nos próximos 3 anos. Uma seleção de livros hebraicos e gregos também serão contemplados no projeto, que prevê também a digitalização de obras de Homero, Sófocles, Platão e Hipócrates, em uma fase mais avançada do projeto.

Polonsky Foundation Digital Project: A Collaboration Between the Bodleian Libraries and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 

The Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican Library) have joined efforts in a landmark digitization project with the aim of opening up their repositories of ancient texts. Over the course of the next four years, 1.5 million pages from their remarkable collections will be made freely available online to researchers and to the general public.

The initiative has been made possible by a £2 million award from the Polonsky Foundation. Dr Leonard Polonsky, who is committed to democratizing access to information, sees the increase of digital access to these two library collections — among the greatest in the world — as a significant step in sharing intellectual resources on a global scale.

Dr Polonsky said: ‘Twenty-first-century technology provides the opportunity for collaborations between cultural institutions in the way they manage, disseminate and make available for research the information, knowledge and expertise they hold. I am pleased to support this exciting new project where the Bodleian Libraries and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana will make important collections accessible to scholars and the general public worldwide.’

The digitization project will focus on three main groups of texts: Hebrew manuscripts, Greek manuscripts, and incunabula, or 15th-century printed books. These groups have been chosen for their scholarly importance and for the strength of their collections in both libraries, and they will include both religious and secular texts. For the launch of the project, however, the two libraries have focused on bringing to light a smaller group of Bibles and biblical commentaries, each of which has been chosen for its particular historical importance.

The first MSS were now put on-line, among which are “the two-volume Gutenberg Bibles from each of the libraries, an illustrated 11th century Greek bible [LXX] and a beautiful 15th-century German bible, hand-colored and illustrated by woodcuts.

Um guia para o usuário do Nestle-Aland 28

TROBISCH, D. Die 28. Auflage des Nestle-Aland: Eine Einführung. 2., korrigierter Druck. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2013, 80 s. – ISBN 9783438051417.

TROBISCH, D. A User’s Guide to the Nestle-Aland 28 Greek New Testament. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013, 80 p. – ISBN 9781589839366.

This guide introduces the complex new edition of the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece, 28 Edition, explaining its structure, the text-critical apparatus and appendices, and the innovations of the new edition. The first part supplies a thorough explanation of the Nestle-Aland edition not presupposing any previous familiarity with critical editions. In a second part, Trobisch explains the structure of the apparatus and its appendices. The third and final part, aimed at practised users of Nestle-Aland, focuses on the new features of the 28th edition.

David Trobisch was born in Cameroon, West Africa, as the son of missionaries. He grew up in Austria and studied theology in Germany. He taught New Testament at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, Missouri State University, Yale Divinity School, and Bangor Theological Seminary. As a scholar Dr. David Trobisch is internationally recognized for his work on the Letters of Paul, the Formation of the Christian Bible, and Bible Manuscripts. He now lives and works in Springfield, Missouri, and Nussloch, Germany.

O Papiro Nash está online

O Nash consiste de uma folha de papiro, escrita em hebraico, com o texto do Decálogo (Ex 20,2-17 = Dt 5,6-21) e do Shema (Dt 6,4-5). Seu nome vem de Walter Llewellyn Nash que o adquire no Egito. Pertence à Universidade de Cambridge, Inglaterra. Data da metade do século II a.C. Antes da descoberta dos Manuscritos do Mar Morto era o mais antigo manuscrito conhecido contendo um texto da Bíblia Hebraica. Agora foi digitalizado e pode ser visto na página da Cambridge Digital Library.

The Nash Papyrus is a second-century BCE fragment containing the text of the Ten Commandments followed by the Šemaʿ. Prior to the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls it was the oldest known manuscript containing a text from the Hebrew Bible. The manuscript was originally identified as a lectionary used in liturgical contexts, due to the juxtaposition of the Decalogue (probably reflecting a mixed tradition, a composite of Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5) with the Šemaʿ prayer (Deuteronomy 6:4-5), and it has been suggested that it is, in fact, from a phylactery (tefillin, used in daily prayer). Purchased from an Egyptian dealer in antiquities in 1902 by Dr Walter Llewellyn Nash and presented to the Library in 1903, the fragment was said to have come from the Fayyum.

Ten Commandments go digital
Cambridge University Library is to release digital versions of some of the most significant religious manuscripts in the world – following on from last year’s release of Isaac Newton’s manuscripts and notebooks. Launched in December last year (2011), the Cambridge Digital Library has already attracted tens of millions of hits on its website. Among the 25,000 new images being made freely available at are a 2,000-year old copy of The Ten Commandments (the famous Nash Papyrus) and one of the most remarkable ancient copies of the New Testament (Codex Bezae). While the latest release focuses on faith traditions – including important texts from Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism – many of the manuscripts being made available are also of great political, cultural and historical importance…

La Universidad de Cambridge digitaliza textos de 2.000 años de antigüedad
Una copia de los Diez Mandamientos de 2.000 años de antigüedad y uno de los primeros escritos en gaélico se ponen a disposición del mundo, gracias al proyecto de digitalización que está llevando a cabo la Universidad de Cambridge. El Papiro Nash -uno de los manuscritos más antiguos conocidos que contienen texto hebreo de la Biblia- se ha convertido en uno de los últimos tesoros de la humanidad. Se reunirá con otros textos antiguos como los cuadernos de Isaac Newton, la Crónica de Nuremberg y otros textos raros, como parte de la Biblioteca Digital de Cambridge, según afirmó la universidad el miércoles. “Cambridge University Library conserva obras de gran importancia para las tradiciones religiosas y comunidades de todo el mundo”, dijo en un comunicado la Bibliotecaria de la universidad, Anne Jarvis. “Debido a su edad y a la delicadeza de estos manuscritos rara vez pueden verse – y cuando se muestran, sólo podemos mostrar una o dos páginas”, afirmó Jarvis. Antes del descubrimiento de los Rollos del Mar Muerto, el Papiro Nash, fue de lejos el más antiguo manuscrito que contiene el texto de la Biblia hebrea y como documentos históricos más frágiles. La Biblioteca digital de la universidad está haciendo 25.000 imágenes nuevas, incluyendo una copia antigua del Nuevo Testamento, a disposición en su sitio web, que ya ha atraído a decenas de millones de visitas desde el inicio de proyecto, en diciembre de 2011. La última versión también incluye textos importantes del judaísmo, el cristianismo, el islam, el budismo, el hinduísmo y el jainismo.

Transcrição do Codex Sinaiticus disponível para download

XML Download of the Electronic Transcription of Codex Sinaiticus

The text of Codex Sinaiticus on this website is generated from an electronic transcription encoded in XML (eXtensible Markup Language). On this page, it is possible to download the file containing the full XML transcription for further analysis. The data is made available under a Creative Commons licence: it may not be used for commercial purposes, attribution must be made to the original creators (the Codex Sinaiticus Project), and any derivatives must also be made freely available under the same terms as this original data. The download file is a compressed file of 4.4 megabytes.