Sobre a estrela de Belém

The key problem is that the description of the movements of the Star is outside what is physically possible for any observable astronomical object

Aaron Adair publicou, agora em fevereiro, em The Bible and Interpretation, artigo, no qual mostra como a astronomia tem falhado em suas tentativas de explicar a estrela de Belém.

Leia: Star Light, Star Bright: How Astronomy Fails to Explain the Star of Bethlehem

E há o livro do autor:

ADAIR, A. The Star of Bethlehem: A Skeptical View. Fareham: Onus Books, 2013, 168 p. – ISBN 9780956694867.

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The Star of Bethlehem: A Skeptical View is an analysis of the astronomical portent found in the Gospel of Matthew which supposedly led the Magi from the East to the birthplace of Jesus. Throughout history, people have tried to connect the Star to real, naturalistic phenomena, as well as to explain it in other ways. Adair takes a thorough look at all of these explanatory attempts, using the tools of science and astronomy, and finds them fundamentally wanting. Take a trip through the heavens above with Adair as he critically explores many centuries of flawed hypotheses, looking to answer the question “Did the Star of Bethlehem really exist?” This book is at the conjunction of science and religion.