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O último e-mail de David Instone-Brewer, of Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK, que chegou no dia 5 de junho, trata de Lexicons for Biblical Studies – Dicionários para os Estudos Bíblicos
Transcrevo abaixo os recursos indicados no e-mail. Recursos que compreendem uma coleção significativa de dicionários de línguas utilizadas nos estudos bíblicos e afins, tais como: hebraico, aramaico, grego, copta, siríaco, acádio, hieróglifos egípcios, hitita, latim…
“Lexicons are at the heart of Biblical Studies, but usually we neglect them because they’re cumbersome to use, and anyway our Bible software tells us what the word means. But without a real lexicon we miss so much – the nuance, context, and possible meanings. So I decided to make real lexicons easier to use. I’ve put them at 2LetterLookup – Bible Lexicons in Greek… Hebrew… Aramaic…“.
Lexicons at Tyndale Archive of Biblical Studies
:: Jastrow’s Rabbinic Hebrew & Aramaic Dictionary
:: Gesenius’ Biblical Hebrew & Aramaic Dictionary
:: Crum’s Coptic Dictionary
:: Payne-Smith’s Syriac Dictionary
:: Wilson’s Englishman’s Hebrew Dictionary
Lexicons for Biblical Languages at 2LetterLookup
:: Full & Middle Liddell & Scott: Greek-English Lexicon
:: Gesenius: Hebrew & Chaldee (ie Aramaic) Lexicon
:: Jastrow: Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud & Midrashic Literature
:: W.E. Crum Coptic Dictionary
:: Payne-Smith: Compendious Syriac Dictionary
:: Wilson: Englishman’s Hebrew Dictionary
:: Thayer: Greek Lexicon with verse vocabulary lists
:: Sahidic Coptic Dictionary
:: Akkadian Dictionary
Other useful lexicons & dictionaries on the web
:: Melingo modern Hebrew dictionary
:: Historical Dictionary of the Hebrew Language
:: Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database
:: Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon
:: Sokoloff’s Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
:: Kalós
:: Perseus Greek Morphology analysis
:: Demetrios – Database of Septuagint Greek
:: Lewis & Short Latin Dictionary
:: Perseus Latin Morphological Analysis
:: Chicago Demotic Dictionary
:: Chicago Hittite Dictionary
:: Hittite Lexicon
:: Hieroglyph Dictionary
:: Old Babylonian Akkadian
:: Sumerian Word List