Traduções eletrônicas de textos cuneiformes acádios

E-TACT: Electronic Translations of Akkadian Cuneiform Texts ou Traduções Eletrônicas de Textos Cuneiformes Acádicos. Uma iniciativa conjunta da International Association for Assyriology (IAA) e da Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives (ETANA).

Diz o site:
eTACT aims to be the definitive repository on the Web for translations of Akkadian materials. Through eTACT, scholars, students, and the general public gain convenient access to a wealth of information that otherwise can be difficult to discover (…) The idea for this site arose at the Muenster Rencontre in 2006. The conception was to offer modern and reliable translations to non-specialists interested in the history and culture of the Ancient Near East. Transliteration of normalization from Akkadian are kept to a minimal and are to be used sparingly. A site that could be accessible to non-specialists via Google, but also useful to scholars in working in the field.

Arqueologia e política em Biblical Studies

A lista de discussão Biblical Studies vai promover de 17 a 23 de junho um colóquio online com Terje Østigård a propósito de seu livro

Political Archaeology and Holy Nationalism: Archaeological Battles over the Bible and Land in Israel and Palestine from 1967-2000. Göteborg University: Gothenburg, 2007, 165 p.

O livro está disponível online em formato pdf na página do autor.

Para o debate sobre a chamada “arqueologia bíblica”, confira aqui.