Biblical Studies Carnival 13

Desta vez o trabalho foi feito por Tyler Williams em seu biblioblog Codex.

Veja os melhores posts de dezembro de 2006 aqui.


Welcome to the thirteenth Biblical Studies Carnival! This edition marks one full year of Biblical Studies Carnivals (BSC) since they were resurrected in February 2006. (Now, I know I said I would also include a “Best of 2006” portion with this Carnival. As this Carnival edition grew, I decided that I would post the “Best Of” separately. Stay tuned for that post in the next few days.)

Biblical Studies blogging appears to be alive and well (I note over 70 posts in this edition). There were a lot of interesting articles posted in the month of December 2006, many of which are detailed below. In preparing this Carnival (which took much longer than anticipated!), I also noticed the large number of inactive “biblioblogs” in my rss reader. That being said, for every dormant blog, there appears to be two new ones starting up!

Well, enough with the opening pleasantries. Let’s see what December 2006 brought us in terms of academic Biblical Studies in the blogosphere.

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