James Dunn: A nova perspectiva sobre Paulo

Recomendando mais um livro de James Dunn, o “craque” da Nova Perspectiva.

DUNN, J. D.G. The New Perspective on Paul: Collected Essays. 2. ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, [2005] 2007, 552 p. – ISBN 9780802845627.DUNN, J. D. G. Nova Perspectiva Sobre Paulo. São Paulo: Paulus/Academia Cristã, 2011, 752 p. - ISBN 9788598481463


DUNN, J. D. G. Nova Perspectiva Sobre Paulo. São Paulo: Paulus/Academia Cristã, 2011, 752 p. – ISBN 9788598481463.


Para quem não se lembra o que é: a Nova Perspectiva é uma linha de estudos inaugurada por E. P. Sanders, a qual defende que a questão central para Paulo não é graça cristã versus legalismo judaico, mas o status dos gentios na Igreja.


Alan S. Bandy no biblioblog Café Apocalypsis escreveu:

Anyone even remotely interested in the new perspective on Paul must read the first chapter in James Dunn’s The New Perspective on Paul WUNT 185 (2005). His first chapter, “The New Perspective on Paul: whence, what, whither?,” occupies the first 88 pages. In this lengthy chapter, Dunn chronicles his own journey into Pauline theology and how he came to grapple with some difficult questions. Two formative works that he mentions include: Elizabeth and Paul Achtemeier’s article in the Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible and, of course, E. P. Sander’s work on Paul and Palestinian Judaism (…) I would encourage those interested to read this chapter. It was extremely well researched and surprisingly entertaining. Not that I agree with Dunn on everything, I was pleased with how he articulated his views and cleared up a voluminous amount of misunderstanding.

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