Blog sobre o BibleWorks

Michael Hanel e Jim Darlack, dois “heavy users” do BibleWorks, acabam de lançar um blog sobre o programa, desde janeiro em sua versão 7. Bem-vindos e sucesso.

O blog BibleWorks diz: Check this blog regularly for new user-created BibleWorks files. This blog is not officially affiliated with BibleWorks, but is maintained by BibleWorks enthusiasts.

Diz o post de abertura:

First, you must know that this site is not an official BibleWorks blog. This is a blog directed primarily by myself, Michael Hanel, and Jim Darlack, avid users of Bible software who have spent many, many hours working with BibleWorks and other Bible programs out there, but we felt we had something to offer to BibleWorks users. Both of us have been users of BibleWorks for a number of years and both of us have helped make more user-developed freebie extras available to other BibleWorks users (cont.)


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