Novo livro de James Dunn

O segundo volume da obra monumental de James Dunn sobre o nascimento do cristianismo será publicado em outubro de 2008. São três volumes que cobrirão os primeiros 120 anos do cristianismo. O primeiro volume saiu em 2003.

DUNN, J. D. G. Beginning from Jerusalem: Christianity in the Making, Volume 2. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008, 1392 p. – ISBN 9780802839329

Diz a editora:
James Dunn is regarded worldwide as one of today’s foremost biblical scholars. Having written groundbreaking studies of the New Testament and a standard work on Paul’s theology, Dunn here turns his pen to the rise of Christianity itself. Beginning from Jerusalem is the second installment in what will be a monumental three-volume history of the first 120 years of the faith [the first is Jesus Remembered]. Beginning from Jerusalem covers the early formation of the Christian faith from 30 to 70 C.E. After outlining the quest for the historical church (parallel to the quest for the historical Jesus) and reviewing the sources, James Dunn follows the course of the movement stemming from Jesus “beginning from Jerusalem.” He opens with a close analysis of what can be said of the earliest Jerusalem community, the Hellenists, the mission of Peter, and the emergence of Paul. Then Dunn focuses solely on Paul — the chronology of his life and mission, his understanding of his call as apostle, and the character of the churches that he founded. The third part traces the final days and literary legacies of the three principal figures of first-generation Christianity: Paul, Peter, and James the brother of Jesus. Each section includes detailed interaction with the vast wealth of secondary literature on the many subjects covered.

Veja também: DUNN, J. D. G. Jesus Remembered: Christianity in the Making, Volume 1. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2003. xvii + 1019 p. – ISBN 9780802839312

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2 comentários em “Novo livro de James Dunn”

  1. O que o sr. Acha da afirmação de que Paulo não seria o autor das epístolas a Timóteo.

    New Perspective on Paul (James Dunn, N. T. Wright)

    Graça e Paz

  2. Acredito que esta seja a posição majoritária da academia pelo menos desde a década de 70 do século XX, quando, pela primeira vez, estudei o assunto.

    Um abraço


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