SBL Joins the Google Books Partner Program

SBL is pleased to announce that it has joined the Google Books Partner Program, an online book marketing program designed to help publishers and authors promote their books by making available a limited number of sample pages. Using Google Book Search (formerly Google Print), SBL members will now be able to find and search the content of more than twenty titles from SBL’s current list of books. This has important potential benefits for SBL, since getting people to browse our books improves sales through all channels and because Google Book Search will make SBL titles easily available to people around the world who might not otherwise encounter them (…) SBL has also joined Amazon’s Advantage Program, which allows us to customize the information about our titles on Amazon. Now when you search for a current SBL title on Amazon, you will see a picture of the book’s cover, with information about the author, and reviews. And the title is available to ship within 24 hours (cont.)

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