O Prólogo de João e suas ressonâncias

PORTER, S. E.; YOON, D. I. (eds.) The Johannine Prologue and Its Resonances. Leiden: Brill, 2024, 320 p. – ISBN 9789004698932.

Este é o quarto volume da série Johannine Studies, que está sendo publicada pela Brill de Leiden. Este volume é sobre o prólogo do Evangelho de João ePORTER, S. E.; YOON, D. I. (eds.) The Johannine Prologue and Its Resonances. Leiden: Brill, 2024, 320 p. suas muitas ressonâncias dentro de todo o Evangelho. Parâmetros rígidos não foram definidos sobre este tópico, e isto se reflete na natureza variada das contribuições individuais. Não achamos necessário dividir as contribuições em várias partes devido ao escopo mais restrito deste volume do que outros na série.

O primeiro volume da série foi Stanley E. Porter e Andrew K. Gabriel, Johannine Writings and Apocalyptic: An Annotated Bibliography (Leiden: Brill, 2013), o segundo foi Stanley E. Porter e Hughson T. Ong (eds.) The Origins of John’s Gospel (Leiden: Brill, 2016), e o terceiro foi Stanley E. Porter e Andrew W. Pitts (eds.) Johannine Christology (Leiden: Brill, 2020). É encorajador ver a resposta forte e positiva a esses volumes à medida que continuamos a série até a conclusão dos cinco primeiros volumes. O volume final deste primeiro conjunto é: John’s Gospel and Its Sources.

Tenho o prazer de dizer que continuaremos a série com mais cinco volumes projetados, com mais por vir se esses cinco continuarem a ser de interesse acadêmico. Os próximos cinco volumes programados são:

Volume 6: João e o judaísmo (2026)
Volume 7: João e os Evangelhos Sinóticos (2027)
Volume 8: João e a “Quarta Busca” (2028)
Volume 9: Linguagem joanina (incluindo gênero e estilo) (2029)
Volume 10: Comunidade e audiência joanina (2030)

Os estudos joaninos têm visto um ressurgimento nos últimos anos, com muitos dos resultados da pesquisa joanina anterior sendo reexaminados. Isso inclui teorias sobre as origens do Evangelho de João, sua relação com os Evangelhos Sinóticos, sua teologia, sua historiografia e muitos outros tópicos. Este volume é parte de um esforço concentrado para preencher a lacuna de publicações dedicadas aos estudos joaninos. O estudo dos escritos joaninos, incluindo o Evangelho, as cartas joaninas e o Apocalipse, tem sido dificultado pela falta de tais publicações (Trecho do Prefácio).


Stanley E. Porter (1956-)This is the fourth of a series of volumes in the Johannine Studies series being published by Brill Publishers of Leiden. This volume is on the topic of the prologue to John’s Gospel and its many resonances within the entire Gospel. Narrow parameters have not been set on this topic, as is reflected in the varied nature of the individual contributions. We have not found it necessary to divide the contributions into various parts due to the narrower scope of this volume than others in the series.

The first volume in the series was Stanley E. Porter and Andrew K. Gabriel, Johannine Writings and Apocalyptic: An Annotated Bibliography, jost 1 (Leiden: Brill, 2013), the second was Stanley E. Porter and Hughson T. Ong, eds., The Origins of John’s Gospel, jost 2 (Leiden: Brill, 2016), and the third was Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts, eds., Johannine Christology, jost 3 (Leiden: Brill, 2020). It is encouraging to see the strong and positive response to these volumes as we continue the series through the completion of the first five volumes. The final volume of this first set is: John’s Gospel and Its Sources.

I am pleased to say that we will be continuing the series with five more projected volumes, with more to come if these five continue to be of scholarly interest. The next five scheduled volumes are:

Volume 6: John and Judaism (2026)
Volume 7: John and the Synoptic Gospels (2027)
Volume 8: John and the “Fourth Quest” (2028)
Volume 9: Johannine Language (including Genre and Style) (2029)
Volume 10: Johannine Community and Audience (2030)

Johannine studies has seen a resurgence of interest in the last several years, with many of the assured results of previous Johannine scholarship being re-examined. These include theories regarding the origins of John’s Gospel, its relationship to the Synoptic Gospels, its theology, its historiography, and many other topics. This volume is part of a concerted effort to address the need for avenues of dedicated publication of Johannine studies. Study of the Johannine writings, including the Gospel, three Johannine letters, and Revelation, has been hampered by a lack of such dedicated publications. There are many such opportunities, including specific series and journals, for study of the Synoptic Gospels, and an equivalent number for the Pauline writings. Therefore, it is appropriate and necessary to publish a series devoted to the Johannine writings and their many attendant research questions.

This Johannine Studies series concentrates upon topics of special relevance for Johannine research, especially where recent work is re-conceptualizing old topics orDavid I. Yoon introducing new ones. The number of scholars devoting their efforts to such areas continues to grow, as is evidenced by the numbers of sessions dedicated to Johannine studies at recent major conferences, as well as the variety of Johannine publications finding their ways into various journals and other works.

Stanley E. Porter is President, Dean, and Professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

David I. Yoon is Associate to the Academic Dean and Instructor of Biblical Studies at Emmanuel Bible College, and Research Fellow at McMaster Divinity College.

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