Mais da metade dos chineses empregados possui blog

Folha Online: 26/02/2006 – 17h38

da Ansa, em Pequim

Na China, a maioria das pessoas empregadas, cerca de 52%, possui um blog na internet, segundo uma pesquisa feita pela CBP Career Consultants. Cerca de 28% das pessoas que responderam ao questionário da pesquisa em Pequim, Xangai, Guangzhou e Shenzhen visitam blogs escritos por outras pessoas (cont.)

52% of office workers write blogs, privacy top theme – 2006-02-21 09:59:48

Blogging has increasingly become more popular in China, with 52% of white-collar workers now keeping weblogs (blogs) according to CBP Career Consultants Co., Ltd., a leading career consulting firm in China. Unlike western bloggers who often focus on news and politics, the Chinese white collar bloggers see complaining alongside office and personal gossip as their priorities, according to the survey. According to the findings of a blogging survey conducted by CBP among white-collar workers in China’s four largest cities – Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen – 52% responded they already had a blog, while another 28% said they plan to begin a blog in the near future (cont.)

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