Síria-Palestina na Idade do Bronze Recente

Ou seja: por volta de 1550-1150 a.C.

Este estudo é baseado na tese de doutorado de Emanuel Pfoh, defendida em 2011 na Universidade de Buenos Aires.

PFOH, E. Syria-Palestine in The Late Bronze Age: An Anthropology of Politics and Power. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 246 p. – ISBN 9781844657841.

Syria-Palestine in The Late Bronze Age: An Anthropology of Politics and Power

Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age presents an explicitly anthropological perspective on politics and social relationships. An anthropological reading of the textual and epigraphic remains of the time allows us to see how power was constructed and political subordination was practised and expressed. Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age identifies a particular political ontology, native to ancient Syro-Palestinian societies, which informs and constitutes their social worlds. This political ontology, based on patronage relationships, provides a way of understanding the political culture and the social dynamics of ancient Levantine peoples. It also illuminates the historical processes taking place in the region, processes based on patrimonial social structures and articulated through patron-client bonds.

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Copenhagen International Seminar

Recursos para o estudo da geografia do mundo antigo

Roundup of Resources on Ancient Geography

Post atualizado hoje, 21 de março de 2016, por Charles Jones em AWOL – The Ancient World Online.

É uma grande e preciosa coleção de links comentados para sites que oferecem recursos digitais para o estudo da geografia do mundo antigo.

Por exemplo:
:. 2300 Ancient Sites on Google Earth
:. Ancient Locations: Database of Archaeological Sites
:. Ancient World Mapping Center
:. ANE Placemarks for Google Earth
:. APAAME: Aerial Photography Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East
:. Archaeological Survey of Israel

ANE Placemarks for Google Earth

Included in the following list are links to digital project dealing with geography and the ancient world. It is an eclectic list, culled mostly from entries in AWOL. It has no pretentions of being complete or comprehensive, but is offered to give readers a sense of the range of materials currently accessible.

Vale a pena conferir.

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Critical Software Update for Kindle E-Readers

Urgent: This update needs to be completed by March 22, 2016.

Customers using an outdated software version on Kindle e-readers require an important software update by March 22, 2016 in order to continue to download Kindle books from the Cloud, access the Kindle Store, and use other Kindle services on their device.

O surgimento de Israel

Este livro foi publicado em 2009 em capa dura. Agora retorna em paperback.

PFOH, E. The Emergence of Israel in Ancient Palestine: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, 2009, 236 p. – ISBN 9781845535292.

PFOH, E. The Emergence of Israel in Ancient Palestine: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 192 p. – ISBN 9781138661134.

The Emergence of Israel in Ancient Palestine: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives

Taking advantage of critical methodology for history-writing and the use of anthropological insights and ethnographic data from the modern Middle East, this study aims at providing new understandings on the emergence of Israel in ancient Palestine and the socio-political dynamics at work in the Levant during antiquity. The book begins with a discussion of matters of historiography and history-writing, both in ancient and modern times, and an evaluation on the incidence of the modern theological discourse in relation to history and history-writing. Chapter 2 evaluates the methodology used by biblical scholars for gaining knowledge on ancient Israelite society. Pfoh argues that such attempts often apply socio-scientific models on biblical narratives without external evidence of the reconstructed past, producing a virtual past reality which cannot be confirmed concretely. Chapter 3 deals with the archaeological remains usually held as clear evidence of Israelite statehood in the tenth century BCE. The main criticism is directed towards archaeological interpretations of the data which are led by the biblical narratives of the books of Judges and Samuel, resulting in a harmonic blend of ancient literature and modern anthropological models on state-formation. Chapter 4 continues with the discussion on how anthropological models should be employed for history-writing. Socio-political concepts, such as chiefdom society or state formation should not be imposed on the contents of ancient literary sources (i.e., the Bible) but used instead to analyse our primary sources (the archaeological and epigraphic records), in order to create a socio-historical account. The final chapter attempts to provide an historical explanation regarding the emergence of Israel in ancient Palestine without relying on the Bible but only on archaeology, epigraphy and anthropological insights. This Israel is not the biblical one. This is the Israel from history, the one that the modern historian aims at recovering from the study of ancient epigraphic and archaeological remains. The arguments presented challenge the idea that the biblical writers were recording historical events as we understand this practice nowadays and that we can use the biblical records for creating critical histories of Israel in ancient Palestine. It also questions the existence of undisputable traces of statehood in the archaeological record from the Iron Age, as the biblical images about a United Monarchy might lead us to believe. Thus, drawing on ethnographic insights, we may gain a better knowledge on how ancient Levantine societies functioned, providing us with a context for understanding the emergence of historical Israel as a major highland patronate, with a socio-political life of almost two centuries. It is during the later periods of ancient Palestines history, the Persian and the Graeco-Roman, that we find the proper context into which biblical Israel is created, beginning a literary life of more than two millennia.

História, Arqueologia e Bíblia

Um livro:

HJELM, I. ; THOMPSON, T. L. (eds.) History, Archaeology and The Bible Forty Years After “Historicity”: Changing Perspectives 6. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 230 p. – ISBN 9781138889514.

History, Archaeology and The Bible Forty Years After “Historicity”: Changing Perspectives 6

Este livro examina as principais mudanças ocorridas no campo dos estudos do Antigo Testamento desde as inovadoras obras de Thomas L. Thompson e John Van Seters em 1974 e 1975 – ambas reeditadas em 2014. Veja o sumário aqui.

In History, Archaeology and the Bible Forty Years after “Historicity”, Hjelm and Thompson argue that a ‘crisis’ broke in the 1970s, when several new studies of biblical history and archaeology were published, questioning the historical-critical method of biblical scholarship. The crisis formed the discourse of the Copenhagen school’s challenge of standing positions, which—together with new achievements in archaeological research—demand that the regional history of ancient Israel, Judaea and Palestine be reconsidered in all its detail. This volumeexamines the major changes that have taken place within the field of Old Testament studies since the ground breaking works of Thomas Thompson and John van Seters in 1974 and 1975 (both republished in 2014). The book is divided in three sections: changing perspectives in biblical studies, history and cult, and ideology and history, presenting new articles from some of the field’s best scholars with comprehensive discussion of historical, archaeological, anthropological, cultural and literary approaches to the Hebrew Bible and Palestine’s history. The essays question: “How does biblical history relate to the archaeological history of Israel and Palestine?” and “Can we view the history of the region independently of a biblical perspective?” by looking at the problem from alternative angles and questioning long-held interpretations.

E um artigo:

Lost and Found? A Non-Jewish Israel from the Merneptah Stele to the Byzantine Period

Article from History, Archaeology and The Bible Forty Years After “Historicity”. By Ingrid Hjelm – Faculty of Theology University of Copenhagen – The Bible and Interpretation: March 2016

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A História de Israel no debate atual
Pode uma ‘História de Israel’ ser escrita?

Tensão no Oriente Médio continua

Leia um artigo esclarecedor:

A Turquia está ferrada – e a culpa é toda dos americanos

Em meio às crescentes tensões entre Turquia e Rússia sobre a situação na Síria, um fato importante se perdeu. É que não foi a Rússia quem criou os atuais problemas da Turquia, foram os Estados Unidos.

O problema mais crucial com que a moderna Turquia tem se defrontado é a questão curda. Trata-se de um problema crônico que ameaça a integridade da Turquia e que é percebido pela elite turca como o maior problema de segurança do país. As políticas turcas para a Síria são determinadas pela questão curda mais do que por qualquer outra coisa. O abandono da assim chamada política de problema zero com os vizinhos que Erdogan e seu governo costumavam promover, o que foi uma surpresa para muitos, está diretamente relacionada à questão curda e aos acontecimentos no Iraque após a desastrosa invasão americana (continua).

Fonte: Brasil 247 – 08.03.2016

O original, em inglês:

Turkey is screwed. And it’s all US fault – By Arras – The Saker – February 22, 2016

by Arras

Amid rising tensions between Turkey and Russia over the situation in Syria, one important fact got lost. It’s not Russia that caused the current Turkish problems. It was the USA.

The most fundamental problem modern Turkey is facing is the Kurdish question. It’s a chronic problem, which threatens the integrity of Turkey and the Turkish elite perceives it as the largest security treat the country is facing. Turkish policies in Syria are determined by the Kurdish issue more than anything else. The change from the so called policy of zero problems with neighbors, which Erdogan and his government used to promote, came as a surprise to many and is directly related to the Kurdish issue and the events in Iraq after the disastrous US invasion.

O Pentateuco: da formação à recepção

Este é o tema do VII Congresso da ABIB, que terá lugar na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo – UMESP – entre os dias 29 de agosto e 1 de setembro de 2016.

Com destaque para a participação dos professores Jean-Louis Ska, do Pontifício Instituto Bíblico de Roma, e Thomas Römer, do Collège de France/Université de Lausanne.

VII Congresso da ABIB em 2016

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Jean-Louis Ska e Thomas Römer no Brasil em 2016

Carnaval de Estudios Bíblicos – Febrero 2016

Em espanhol. Por Masora Digital.

Carnaval de Estudios Bíblicos (en español) – Febrero 2016

No post El despertar del Carnaval de Estudios Bíblicos (en español): Última llamada para links Febrero 2016 diz o autor:

Estos carnavales en español están inspirados en Biblical Studies Carnival que se viene realizando desde hace algunos años.

Aunque ni la cantidad o calidad de publicaciones de blogs sobre estudios bíblicos en español son tan habituales como en inglés creo que son más que suficientes para poder hacer un modesto carnaval.

Estudios Bíblicos Online

Conheci ontem e recomendo:

Estudios Bíblicos Online – Videos y audios en español sobre estudios bíblicos y áreas afines

Estudios Bíblicos Online


Cada día hay más recursos multimedia libres en español sobre estudios bíblicos (documentales, conferencias, entrevistas) pero es difícil encontrar todos en un mismo lugar.

Estudios Bíblicos Online tiene como objetivo recopilar y poner a disposición audios y videos sobre las diferentes áreas de los estudios bíblicos y materias afines.

Este sitio web está inspirado en Biblical Studies Online (en inglés). Si le gustó Estudios Bíblicos Online puede visitar también Masora Digital (en español).

O autor de Masora Digital e de Estudios Bíblicos Online, Manuel HG, se apresenta como “un joven graduado de un modesto seminario en Sudamérica”.