Recursos para o estudo da geografia do mundo antigo

Roundup of Resources on Ancient Geography

Post atualizado hoje, 21 de março de 2016, por Charles Jones em AWOL – The Ancient World Online.

É uma grande e preciosa coleção de links comentados para sites que oferecem recursos digitais para o estudo da geografia do mundo antigo.

Por exemplo:
:. 2300 Ancient Sites on Google Earth
:. Ancient Locations: Database of Archaeological Sites
:. Ancient World Mapping Center
:. ANE Placemarks for Google Earth
:. APAAME: Aerial Photography Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East
:. Archaeological Survey of Israel

ANE Placemarks for Google Earth

Included in the following list are links to digital project dealing with geography and the ancient world. It is an eclectic list, culled mostly from entries in AWOL. It has no pretentions of being complete or comprehensive, but is offered to give readers a sense of the range of materials currently accessible.

Vale a pena conferir.

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