Google Earth mostra localidades mencionadas na Bíblia

Em dezembro passado anotei que o blog da English Standard Version (ESV) tem feito e estimulado algumas experiências interessantes com o Google Maps e com o Google Earth, produzindo mapas bíblicos interativos.

Agora uma comunidade Google Earth desenvolveu um arquivo para o Google Earth (e Google Maps) que mostra cerca de 200 localidades mencionadas na Bíblia. Veja a lista das localidades e faça o download do arquivo .kmz, se você tem o Google Earth instalado em seu computador. Segundo o blog da ESV, a Bíblia tem em torno de 1181 nomes de localidades. O trabalho está em andamento.

More Bible Places in Google Maps

A Google Earth community has developed a file for Google Earth (and Google Maps) that shows the locations of about 200 places mentioned in the Bible. The community is going for accuracy: they try to pinpoint the locations of the ruins of ancient cities instead of using the locations of modern cities with ancient names. We want to assist these efforts where we can. To that end, here is a comprehensive list of place names in the ESV aligned (mostly) to the names the community is using. This file also lists verse references for every occurrence of the place in the ESV text. This file is licensed under a Creative Commons-Attribution-ShareAlike license. The Bible contains 1181 place names (though some places have more than one name and some names refer to more than one place); the Google Earth community has already identified about 200 of them. They’re well on their way. Head over there if you’d like to help them out, or just download the .kmz file if you have Google Earth on your computer.

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