Morte de Alexandre Magno: data e causa

Amanhã, dia 11 – talvez hoje, dia 10, talvez dia 13 – é aniversário da morte de Alexandre Magno, ocorrida na Babilônia em 323 a.C.

Até hoje a causa de sua morte é amplamente debatida. Alexandre morreu de alguma doença transmitida por inseto, de alguma infecção ou teria sido envenenado?

No post Death of Alexander the Great, em Ancient / Classical History, escrito por N. S. Gill, se lê:

Today [10] is the anniversary of the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. What killed him is still open to debate. An article claiming Alexander the Great could have died of West Nile Virus looks at the type of evidence most historians would overlook, including the fact that there is a swamp near where Alexander died that could have been the breeding grounds for insect-borne diseases. In The Death of Alexander the Great, Paul Doherty looks very carefully at the historical evidence and then concludes that Alexander died from arsenic poisoning.

Como dito acima, há controvérsias quanto à data da morte de Alexandre. Os dias 10, 11 e 13 são defendidos por diferentes especialistas.


Alexander died on 11 June 323 BCE, in the late afternoon; this can be deduced from the Astronomical diaries, a Babylonian source. Several scholars have argued for 13 June and 10 June, but the first of these dates is based on an inaccurate Greek source that uses a confused Egyptian calendar, and the second is based on inaccurate reading of the Astronomical diary.

Leia mais sobre Alexandre, em minha História de Israel, aqui. Vote na enquete: Na sua opinião, qual foi a causa da morte de Alexandre Magno?

Sobre o filme Alexandre, de Oliver Stone, acho que todos ouviram falar, não?

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