Free Classic Greek Software

Um software gratuito, que parece valer a pena fazer o download: Kalós.

O software, na versão 4.0.7, tem pouco mais de 28 MB. O endereço para contatos aponta para Atlanta, GA, USA. Há ajuda e tutorial sobre o funcionamento do programa no site. Acabei de ver a indicação na lista de discussão B-Greek, dada por Jonathan Robie, que é do ramo.

Diz o site Kalós:
Kalós is a free Classic Greek Dictionary, trilingual, with definitions in English, French and Spanish. It contains approximately 25,000 entries… Kalós also includes New Testament and koiné vocabulary, including biblical names, which makes it a very useful resource for religion and theology scholarsKalós includes morphological analysis, and produces beautiful tables and charts with the inflections of any word… The charts can be printed and exported to most popular document formats, including Microsoft Excel and Adobe .pdf… Kalós works on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and on any version of Mac OS X. Date released: 12.01.2006.

Jim West resenha especial sobre DSS

Jim West vai resenhar o especial sobre os Manuscritos do Mar Morto, que será apresentado hoje na TV. Nos USA.

Fique atento.

Atualizando: 12/03/2007 – 11h00

Jim West resenhou ontem o especial sobre os Manuscritos do Mar Morto e fez uma avaliação positiva.

Nada viu de novo, só o já conhecido, mas a discussão dos especialistas, com suas várias propostas sobre a origem e o significado dos Manuscritos e de Qumran, parece ter sido interessante.

Jim recomenda o especial – que sairá em DVD ou talvez passe no National Geographic daqui – para estudantes ou leigos no assunto que estão interessados em uma introdução básica, mas honesta, aos Manuscritos do Mar Morto.

Sua conclusão:

Over all it was a good presentation. The theories of Baigent and Feather were utilized, I think, to offer a different perspective. It was made perfectly clear that both of them were minority voices which had little to no support in the wider scholarly community. Nothing new was disclosed here – but the presentation would certainly be very useful for beginning students or interested lay people who were desirous of a basic introduction to study of the scrolls.

SBL publica livro sobre os Manuscritos do Mar Morto

A SBLSociety of Biblical Literature – publicou um pequeno livro sobre os Manuscritos do Mar Morto. Os textos, anteriormente publicados em revistas, são de vários autores e vêm acompanhados de mais de 90 fotografias coloridas, o que deve tornar o livrinho de apenas 96 páginas bem interessante para um primeiro contato com a mais importante descoberta de manuscritos feita na Palestina.

VV.AA.The Dead Sea Scrolls. SBL: Atlanta, GA, 2007, 96 p. ISBN 978-1-58983270-1

O livro
…this book provides readers with a full historical and photographic account of the Dead Sea Scrolls, from their initial discovery in 1947 to their recent publication and ongoing interpretation. Within the pages of this full-color volume, which includes over 90 photos, readers will learn not only how the Dead Sea Scrolls were found but also why many scholars believe that other scrolls still await discovery. In addition to becoming acquainted with the Scrolls and the ancient group who originally wrote them, readers will find out why the Dead Sea Scrolls continue to be significant for the Jewish and Christian religions today.

Autores e textos

  • Harry Thomas Frank, “How the Dead Sea Scrolls Were Found”
  • Baruch Safrai, “More Scrolls Lie Buried! Recollections from Years Gone By”
  • Frank Moore Cross, “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the People Who Wrote Them”
  • Emanuel Tov, “Publishing the Scrolls: Reflections on Thirty Years of Scholarly Work”
  • Sidnie White Crawford, “The Fluid Bible: The Blurry Line between Biblical and Nonbiblical Texts”
  • James C. VanderKam,”The Scrolls and Early Christianity: How They Are Related and What They Share”
  • Lawrence H. Schiffman, “Significance of the Scrolls: A New Perspective on the Texts from the Qumran Caves”