Geza Vermes fala sobre O Código Da Vinci, o Evangelho de Judas e quejandos, no Times

Geza Vermes, famoso especialista em judaísmo, com importantes pesquisas e publicações sobre os Manuscritos do Mar Morto e o Jesus Histórico, diz, por exemplo, que o Evangelho de Judas é totalmente irrelevante para a tentativa, hoje feita por muitos especialistas, de recuperar a mensagem original de Jesus.

Esta notícia eu li no do Jim Davila:

Qumran Scholar Geza Vermes offers expert commentary on The Da Vinci Code, The Jesus Papers, and the Gospel of Judas in today’s Times.

Geza Vermes é professor emérito de Estudos Judaicos da Universidade de Oxford, Reino Unido. Há livros de Geza Vermes traduzidos no Brasil.


The great Da Vinci Code distraction

Jesus married Mary Magdalene and admitted he wasn’t God, Judas was only obeying orders after Dan Brown the litany of biblical revelations seems unending. Geza Vermes asks why

IN THE BEGINNING, before the recent media frenzy about a dastardly conspiracy over Christian origins, there was Dan Brown who, after writing several detective stories, begot The Da Vinci Code (2003).

He penetrated the dark central mystery and disclosed that the marriage of Jesus to Mary Magdalene had been hushed up for two millennia by a clandestine clique within the Church. The book was fruitful and multiplied. It became a big hit in 70 languages of the creation, procuring Brown royalties from the sale of 40 million copies.

In Chapter 2, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, authors of the 1982 bestseller The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, begot The Da Vinci Code court case. They accused Brown of plagiarism: The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail had already told the world that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were Mr and Mrs Christ.

A few weeks ago, a sensible judge rejected their claim and landed them with a six-figure legal bill. But the idea that Jesus married the Magdalene woman was not new. It was foreshadowed by Nikos Kazantzakis’’s novel The Last Temptation of Christ, filmed by Martin Scorsese.

An even more picturesque story can be found in Barbara Thiering’’s Jesus the Man (1992), a wholly idiosyncratic interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament in which Jesus fathers two sons and a daughter by Mary Magdalene before divorcing her and finding solace with Lydia, a woman bishop with whom he has another daughter. But in fact there is not a single ancient source for the invention of a sexual relation, marital or extramarital, between Jesus and Mary of Magdala.

Chapter 3 revolves around The Gospel of Judas, recently published in an edition by Rodolphe Kasser and others. In this not very significant late-2nd century text, Judas does not betray Jesus but obeys orders to hand him over to the chief priests.

On Palm Sunday, this ‘“gospel’”, originally begotten by an Egyptian Gnostic sect, was turned, with the help of a two-hour programme on the National Geographic television channel, into a rewritten New Testament that could be watched on five continents. The media furore was of almost nuclear proportions. The internet is still buzzing. The Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Patriarch of Moscow preached against this new peril to the faith.

Finally, up steps the loser in the Da Vinci Code case, Michael Baigent, having freshly begotten The Jesus Papers. His latest attempt to put the record straight about the New Testament arrives in time for the wave of publicity building up for the release of the film of The Da Vinci Code later this month.

Baigent’’s story is familiar in presenting Jesus and Mary Magdalene as husband and wife. What is new is the claim that Jesus did not die on the cross. With the connivance of Pontius Pilate, he was taken down alive, nursed back to health and, in the company of Mary Magdalene, lived happily, if not ever after, at least until the middle of the first century.

How serious a threat are these ‘“revelations’” to the picture of Jesus? The Da Vinci Code is a category apart. It is fiction and does not pretend to rewrite history. As a novelist, Brown is free to write whatever he chooses. The phenomenal success of the book and, no doubt, of the movie, does not claim to be anything other than fiction, even if it does not derive wholly from originality or from literary genius. No one would mistake Brown for the new Graham Greene. A good conspiracy yarn is highly attractive, but there is more to it, as I will suggest later (cont.).

Fonte: The Times: May 06, 2006

John Trever

No dia 30 de abril noticiei a morte de John Trever.

Leia mais sobre ele em

John C. Trever, 90; His Photos of Dead Sea Scrolls Preserved the Documents for Biblical Research

John C. Trever, one of the first Americans to examine the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1948 and whose photographs of the ancient texts also became important historical John C. Trever: 1916-2006 - Photo by Lou Mack/Los Angeles Times via Getty Imagesdocuments, has died. He was 90.

Trever, who was the last surviving member of the original group of Western scholars to study the scrolls, died Saturday at his home in Lake Forest, his family said. No cause of death was given.

As an American student in Jerusalem, Trever came face-to-face with the scrolls when Syrian monks brought them to be evaluated at what is now the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research.

When Trever unrolled one of the scrolls on a cot in his living quarters, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The document — said to have been found in a cave by a Bedouin shepherd in 1947 — contained text from the biblical book of Isaiah.

A student of ancient handwriting, Trever thought the writing on the scroll resembled that of the Nash Papyrus, then the oldest known fragment of an Old Testament text, a sample of which happened to be hanging on the wall.

“I put a magnifying glass to the scroll … and said to myself: ‘Oh, my Lord, can I really be looking at something 2,000 years old?” Trever told the Chicago Tribune in 1989. “Then I remembered that in the haggling customs of the Near East, one doesn’t tip his hand precipitously. ‘Yes,’ I told the Syrians, ‘this might be worth something.’ ”

An avid amateur photographer, Trever persuaded the monks to let him photograph the three manuscripts.

After he sent copies of the photographs to biblical scholar W.F. Albright at Johns Hopkins University, Albright responded via letter: “My heartiest congratulations on the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times!”

Today, Trever’s original negatives are housed at the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center at the Claremont School of Theology, one of several colleges at which he taught.

“The scholarly world and the general public should be indebted to him for preserving images of the Dead Sea Scrolls,” said Marvin Sweeney, who runs the manuscript center and is a professor of Hebrew Bible at the Claremont school.

The photographs are central to the documentation of the scrolls because they reflect their color and condition when first studied. The scrolls have since deteriorated and are best studied under infrared light, Sweeney said.

John Cecil Trever was born Nov. 26, 1915, in Milwaukee. He received a bachelor’s degree from USC in 1937 and a doctorate in Old Testament studies from Yale University in 1943.

During the late 1940s and early ‘50s, Trever worked for the National Council of Churches, promoting and explaining the revised standard version of the Bible.

The quiet scholar spent much of his life lecturing and writing books on the scrolls.

His 1965 book “The Untold Story of Qumran” provides the most complete account of the initial discovery of the scrolls, wrote James VanderKam and Peter Flint in their 2002 book, “The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls.”

Trever is survived by his wife of 68 years, Elizabeth; sons, James and John, who is a political cartoonist for the Albuquerque Journal; six grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.

Fonte: Valerie J. Nelson – Los Angeles Times: May 4,2006

Em meio ao caos, pequeno alívio: camada de ozônio mostra sinais de recuperação

Do Cosmos ao Caos: assim poderíamos descrever a rota atual do planeta, em fatal antigênesis… Mas, em meio ao caos, certa notícia aparece com alguma expectativa nas manchetes mundo afora: Researchers See Signs of Recovery in Ozone Layer… Study reveals Earth’s ozone layer recovery…

Folha Online: 04/05/2006 – 10h58

Cientistas identificam lenta recuperação da camada de ozônio

da Efe, em Londres

A camada de ozônio da Terra, que protege o ambiente das radiações ultravioletas emitidas pelo Sol, passa por uma lenta recuperação, segundo um estudo divulgado nesta quinta-feira pela revista científica ‘Nature’. Uma equipe de cientistas americanos e dinamarqueses chegou a esta conclusão após comprovar a eficácia do Protocolo de Montreal (1987), ratificado por mais de 180 países, que proíbe a contaminação pelas emissões do gás CFC (clorofluorcarboneto). Os pesquisadores, orientados pela professora Betsi Weatherhead, da Universidade do Colorado (EUA), constataram que os níveis de ozônio se estabilizaram ou tiveram um pequeno aumento na última década. Os cientistas chegaram a esta conclusão após examinarem as informações transmitidas por satélites e observatórios terrestres, assim como dados de 14 estudos (cont.)

Leia Mais:
Réchauffement : la couche d’ozone souffle mais les vents s’essoufflent

World Conservation Union: perda da biodiversidade está aumentando dramaticamente

BBC Brasil: 03/05/2006 – 13h31

Lista de espécies em extinção inclui 721 do Brasil

A Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas, divulgada pela União Conservacionista Mundial (IUCN, na sigla em inglês) nesta terça-feira, inclui 721 animais e plantas que vivem no Brasil. O número significa um acréscimo de 24 espécies em relação ao último levantamento, divulgado em 2004. Apenas no Brasil, os cientistas ligados ao IUCN avaliaram mais 186 espécies nos últimos dois anos (…) No total, a nova lista relaciona 16.119 animais e plantas do mundo inteiro, com um aumento de 530 espécies em relação a 2004. O número corresponde a cerca de 40% das mais de 40 mil espécies analisadas pelos especialistas ao longo dos últimos dois anos. A entidade diz, porém, que o número pode ser uma “subestimação grosseira”, já que menos de 3% das 1,8 milhão de espécies conhecidas foram analisadas pelos cientistas que elaboram a Lista Vermelha. Estima-se que existam cerca de 15 milhões de espécies no planeta. “A Lista Vermelha do IUCN mostra uma tendência clara: a perda da biodiversidade está aumentando, não desacelerando”, afirmou o diretor-geral da organização ambientalista, Achim Steiner. “As implicações dessa tendência para a produtividade e resistência dos ecossistemas e as vidas e sustento de bilhões de pessoas (cont.)

More species slide to extinction

The polar bear and hippopotamus are for the first time listed as species threatened with extinction by the world’s biodiversity agency. They are included in the Red List of Threatened Species published by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) which names more than 16,000 at-risk species. Many sharks, and freshwater fish in Europe and Africa, are newly included. The IUCN says loss of biodiversity is increasing despite a global convention committing governments to stem it. “The 2006 Red List shows a clear trend; biodiversity loss is increasing, not slowing down,” said IUCN director-general Achim Steiner (cont.)

Os jovens americanos sabem onde fica o Iraque?

Seis em cada 10 jovens norte-americanos não conseguem encontrar o Iraque em um mapa


Pesquisa revela que jovens americanos “ignoram” resto do mundo

Embora a região de Darfur e o Sudão tenham aparecido com frequência no noticiário dos Estados Unidos, mais da metade dos jovens americanos não sabe que o país pertence ao continente africano nem, o que é pior, onde Nova York fica localizada no mapa.

Em uma pesquisa elaborada pela National Geographic com jovens entre 18 e 24 anos, 20% dos entrevistados situaram o Sudão na Ásia e outros 10% disseram que o país fica na Europa.

Mesmo com a Guerra do Iraque, apenas cerca de 37% dos jovens sabiam localizar o país árabe, onde se encontram 120 mil soldados americanos. A pesquisa foi realizada com 510 pessoas, entrevistas pelo Instituto Roper.

As conclusões do estudo, segundo os pesquisadores, é simples: os jovens dos EUA não estão preparados para um futuro cada vez mais globalizado. Segundo o diretor-executivo da Associação de Geógrafos Americanos, Douglas Richardson, os resultados ‘são alarmantes’.

Em 2002, a National Geographic elaborou uma pesquisa similar entre jovens de nove países — entre os quais França, Japão e México. Na ocasião, apenas os resultados do México foram piores que os dos Estados Unidos.

“É desalentador que tantos jovens dos EUA tenham tão pouco conhecimento sobre o resto do mundo”, disse Robert Pastor, vice-presidente de Assuntos Internacionais da American University, em Washington.

Nova York

A enquete revelou que os jovens americanos também desconhecem a geografia do seu próprio país. A metade dos entrevistados foi incapaz de localizar o Estado de Nova York em um mapa dos EUA, e um terço não soube dizer onde está Louisiana, o estado que sofreu com a passagem do furacão Katrina no ano passado.

Três em cada dez responderam que a população de seu país se situa entre um e dois milhões de pessoas, quando na realidade ronda os 300 milhões, segundo o último censo.

Segundo a pesquisa, menos de um terço dos jovens acha que é necessário saber onde estão os países que aparecem nas notícias, e apenas 14% disseram que falar uma língua estrangeira é uma ‘habilidade necessária’.

Dificilmente os jovens americanos encontrarão inspiração no presidente do país, George W. Bush, que, em um de seus discursos, disse aos alunos da universidade de Yale que passaram de ano raspando: “Não se preocupem, vocês também podem chegar à Presidência dos Estados Unidos”.


Richardson considera que o conhecimento geográfico é essencial para adaptar-se a um mundo em constante globalização. “Agora necessitamos incluir as bases do conhecimento geográfico nos colégios”, disse.

A enquete também revelou outros dados positivos, como a percentagem de jovens que utilizam internet, que aumentou de 11% para 27% desde o estudo anterior, realizado em 2002.

A rede mundial de computadores parece atuar como uma “janela para o mundo” para os que navegam, porque os resultados foram melhores entre os jovens que acessam a internet.

Em oposição ao fraco índice de conhecimento geográfico, os jovens americanos demonstraram saber razoavelmente como utilizar um mapa para operações simples de navegação e citaram fatos da atualidade como a origem da gripe aviária na Ásia.

Fonte: Efe – Folha de S. Paulo: 04/05/2006


Six out of 10 young Americans cannot find Iraq on a map

The US may be the world’s only true superpower but global domination does not equal global knowledge. A new survey shows young Americans have what can only be described as shoddy geography skills, with six out of 10 unable to locate Iraq on a map and almost half incapable of pointing to the state of Mississippi.

Traditionally, the US has bowed to the idea of isolationism, hoping that geography in the form of vast oceans can help act as a protection from other nations. But the survey suggests that such an attitude- both culturally and in terms of interest in overseas travel – is having a woeful impact on Americans’ ability to learn about the wider world.

The survey shows that, despite having invaded Iraq three years ago, six out of 10 Americans aged 18 to 24 cannot locate the country. Two-thirds do not know that the October 2005 earthquake that killed 70,000 people struck in Pakistan. Indeed, more than 40 per cent cannot locate Pakistan in Asia.

But it is not just overseas knowledge that is lacking. The survey shows that domestic geography is also poor. Despite the chaos caused by Hurricane Katrina, which killed hundreds of people and cost billions of dollars when it struck the Gulf Coast last August, one-third of those questioned were not able to find Louisiana on a map of the US. When asked to point on a map to a location that avoids hurricane strikes – ie, the north-west of the US – around a third pointed in the wrong direction.

“It’s not good … It shows the knowledge is pretty appalling,” said John Fahey, president of the National Geographic Society, which commissioned the survey. “I think this is born out of a sense that [people believe] ‘I can be isolated here – culturally and geographically. I don’t need to think too much about what’s happening in the rest of the world’.”

He added: “Geographic illiteracy impacts our economic well-being, our relationships with other nations and the environment, and isolates us from our world. Geography is what helps us make sense of our world by showing the connections between people and places. Without it, our young people are not ready to face the challenges of the increasingly interconnected world of the 21st century.”

The survey, carried out in December 2005, also found fewer than three in 10 think it is important to know the locations of countries in the news; only 14 per cent believe another language is a necessary skill; 47 per cent could not find India on a map and 75 per cent could not locate Israel.

While the geography skills of young Americans are unimpressive, however, they may be improving. A similar study carried out in 2002 found only 13 per cent could point to Iraq on a map. Almost one in 10 could not even point to the United States.

That survey also found that young people who have travelled abroad and speak another language are likely to have better geography skills than those who do not. Young adults who obtained international news from newspapers as opposed to television alone were likely to score better, as were respondents who regularly used the internet.

The National Geographic Society has released the results of the survey to coincide with a campaign to improve “geographic literacy”. Entitled My Wonderful World, and led by a group of business, non-profit and education leaders, the aim is to highlight ways that children and parents can help build geography skills.

Central to the campaign is a website at which contains suggestions for outdoor family activities, links to geography games and classroom materials.

Fonte: Andrew Buncombe -The Independent: 3 May 2006

Livro coordenado por Boccaccini tem nova resenha na Review of Biblical Literature

Foi publicada na Review of Biblical Literature, no dia 29/04/2006, mais uma resenha do livro que comentei no Observatório Bíblico no dia 25 de janeiro com o post Enoch and Qumran Origins: 47 pesquisadores debatem o tema.

BOCCACCINI, Gabriele (ed.) Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005, xviii + 472 p.

Desta vez quem faz a resenha é James E. Harding, University of Otago, Dunedin, Aotearoa/New Zealand. Certamente é algo que lerei com calma e comentarei mais detalhadamente, pois achei o livro muito interessante, embora o tenha visto apenas de longe. Aliás, todo o trabalho coordenado por Gabriele Boccaccini é fascinante. Já li outros textos dele.

James E. Harding, termina assim sua resenha:

I would commend most highly this important and exciting volume to all scholars and students of Second Temple Jewish literature and early Christianity. It should provide a stimulus to future research on several critical issues. The book is essential reading for scholars and research students working on any aspect of Second Temple Judaism and the Jewish framework for the origins of Christianity. The general readability of the papers the volume contains, combined with the fact that it offers an insight into the current state of play in several key areas of research, suggest that the volume as a whole, or one or more of its constituent parts, would make an interesting basis for a graduate seminar.