Jesus e o conflito de classes de sua época

CROSSLEY, J.; MYLES, R. J. Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict. Winchester: Zer0 Books, 2023, 304 p. – ISBN 9781803410821.

Ao situar a vida de Jesus de Nazaré na turbulenta Palestina do século primeiro, Crossley e Myles oferecem uma emocionante visão histórico-materialista do JesusCROSSLEY, J.; MYLES, R. J. Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict. London: Zer0 Books, 2023 histórico.

Com uma riqueza de conhecimento sobre os conflitos sociais, econômicos e culturais da época, o livro revela o surgimento de um organizador religioso fervoroso e mortalmente sério cujo movimento social e religioso propôs uma nova ordem mundial promissora governada pelos interesses do campesinato.

O apelo popular do movimento se deveu em parte ao desejo de representar os valores dos trabalhadores rurais comuns, e sua visão significava que os ricos teriam que abrir mão de suas riquezas, enquanto que os pobres teriam uma vida de luxo celestial.

As tensões aumentaram consideravelmente quando o movimento marchou sobre Jerusalém e Jesus foi voluntariamente martirizado pela causa.

Crossley e Myles oferecem um retrato vívido do homem e seu movimento e revelam as condições materiais que contribuíram para que isso acontecesse.

Vídeos sobre o livro podem ser vistos aqui e aqui.

Deste estudo diz NT Wrong em 31.03.2023: “It has been dubbed the best book on the historical Jesus since David Strauss’ Das Leben Jesu”. [Pode ser considerado o melhor livro sobre o Jesus histórico desde Das Leben Jesu, de David Friedrich Strauss, de 1835].


‘Precise, clear, accessible, and important. I can think of no better introduction to the historical Jesus for the general reader, no clearer statement on the legacy of the Jesus movement in the sweep of subsequent history, or a more worthy challenge to contemporary scholarship on Jesus and the rise of Christianity.’ Neil Elliott, author of Liberating Paul: The Justice of God and the Politics of the Apostle.

What made the Jesus movement tick? By situating the life of Jesus of Nazareth in the turbulent troubles of first-century Palestine, Crossley and Myles give a thrilling historical-materialist take on the historical Jesus. Delivering a wealth of knowledge on the social, economic, and cultural conflicts of the time, Jesus: A Life in Class Conflict uncovers the emergence of a fervent and deadly serious religious organizer whose social and religious movement offered not only a radical end-time edict of divine reversal and judgment but also a promising new world order ruled in the interests of the peasantry. The movement’s popular appeal was due in part to a desire to represent the values of ordinary rural workers, and its vision meant that the rich would have to give up their wealth, while the poor would be afforded a life of heavenly luxury. Tensions flared up considerably when the movement marched on Jerusalem and Jesus was willingly martyred for the cause. Crossley and Myles offer a vivid portrait of the man and his movement and uncover the material conditions that converged to make it happen.

James Crossley is Professor of Bible and Society at MF Oslo and St Mary’s London, and director of the Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements. He lives in Cumbria, UK.

Robert J. Myles is Senior Lecturer in New Testament at Wollaston Theological College in Perth, Western Australia and the University of Divinity. He lives in Perth, Australia.

1 comentário em “Jesus e o conflito de classes de sua época”

  1. Tudo indica que o livro é muito bom e importante. Mas se não me engano, NT Wrong não é o James Crossley?

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