Evangelho da Esposa de Jesus: 2012, 2014, 2 mil e ?

Karen King has produced no new evidence to authenticate this fragment… Her method of argumentation was not self-critical or objective, but will doubtlessly be sufficient for those who already want to believe (Christian Askeland)

Não me parece, à primeira vista, existir algo realmente novo e relevante, mas a ocasião e o tema geram, como sempre, sensacionalismo.

Leia o que foi debatido em 2012: Evangelho da Esposa de Jesus?

E, por enquanto, o que li, foi:

:: Análises apontam que papiro que fala da esposa de Jesus não é falso – G1: AFP  10/04/2014 14h55 – Atualizado em 10/04/2014 17h45

:: The Jesus’s Wife Fragment: The Scientific Evidence – Harvard Magazine: March-April 2014 – 10/04/2014

:: Jesus Wife Resurrected from Dead – Christian Askeland: Evangelical Textual Criticism 10/04/2014

:: ‘Gospel of Jesus Wife’ Papyrus Is Ancient, Not Fake, Scientists And Scholars Say – Jaweed Kaleem: Huffington Post  10/04/2014

:: “Jesus’ Wife” Articles in HTR: Initial Thoughts – Larry Hurtado: Larry Hurtado’s Blog – April 10, 2014

Atualização em 26/04/2014 – 10h45

:: Jesus had an ugly sister-in-law – Christian Askeland: Evangelical Textual Criticism 24/04/2014

:: Jesus’ Wife and her Ugly Sister – Mark Goodacre: NT Blog 25/04/2014

:: Interview with Caroline T. Schroeder re: Jesus’ Wife Fragment – Anthony Le Donne: The Jesus Blog 25/04/2014

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