The Rylands Genizah Collection

Parte dos escritos judaicos encontrados na guenizá da sinagoga Ben Ezra do Cairo e que estão na Biblioteca John Rylands, da Universidade de Manchester, Reino Unido.

The John Rylands University Library, The University of Manchester holds a collection of nearly 15,000 fragments, mostly written in Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic, from the Genizah of the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Old Cairo, purchased from the estate of Dr Moses Gaster in 1954. About 90% of the items are on paper, the remainder on parchment. The vast majority are very small fragments. They date from the 10th to the 19th century AD and include religious and literary texts, documentary sources, letters, and material relating to grammar, philosophy, medicine, astrology and astronomy. Rylands Genizah currently contains high resolution images of the great majority of these fragments.

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The Cairo Genizah Collection

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