Resenhas na RBL – 11.07.2013

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

Constantine R. Campbell
Paul and Union with Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study
Reviewed by William Campbell

Daniel Epp-Tiessen
Concerning the Prophets: True and False Prophecy in Jeremiah 23:9–29:32
Reviewed by Kelvin Friebel

Judith Gärtner
Die Geschichtspsalmen: Eine Studie zu den Psalmen 78, 105, 106, 135 und 136 als hermeneutische Schlüsseltexte im Psalter
Reviewed by Susan Gillingham

Lee Martin McDonald
Formation of the Bible: The Story of the Church’s Canon
Reviewed by James Leonard

Matthew V. Novenson
Christ among the Messiahs: Christ Language in Paul and Messiah Language in Ancient Judaism
Reviewed by Nijay K. Gupta

Richard I. Pervo
Acts: A Commentary
Reviewed by Don Garlington

Karlheinz Schüssler
Biblia Coptica: Die koptischen Bibeltexte. Vollständiges Verzeichnis mit Standorten. Band 2/Lfg 1 sa 121–184
Reviewed by Elina Perttilä

Cynthia Shafer-Elliott
Food in Ancient Judah: Domestic Cooking in the Time of the Hebrew Bible
Reviewed by Stephen Reed

Caroline Vander Stichele and Hugh S. Pyper, eds.
Text, Image, and Otherness in Children’s Bibles: What Is in the Picture?
Reviewed by Gottfried Adam

C. Richard Wells and Ray Van Neste, eds.
Forgotten Songs: Reclaiming the Psalms for Christian Worship
Reviewed by Leonard P. Maré

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