Philip R. Davies: Memórias do Antigo Israel

Vem aí, lá pelo fim de outubro, começo de novembro, mais um livro de Philip R. Davies sobre a espinhosa tarefa que se tornou hoje a escrita de uma História de Israel:

DAVIES, P. R. Memories of Ancient Israel: An Introduction to Biblical History – Ancient and Modern. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008, 208 p. – ISBN 9780664232887.

A descrição do livro:
“Recent years have seen an explosion of writing on the history of Israel, prompted largely by definitive archaeological surveys and attempts to write a genuine archaeological history of ancient Israel and Judah. The scholarly world has also witnessed an intense confrontation between so-called minimalists and maximalists over the correct approach to the historicity of the Bible. Memories of Ancient Israel looks at the issues at stake in doing biblical history the ideologies involved, the changing role of archaeology, and the influence of cultural contexts, both ancient and modern. Davies suggests a different way of defining the problem of reliability and historicity by employing the theory of cultural memory [sublinhado meu]. In doing so, he provides a better explanation of how ancient societies constructed their past but also a penetrating insight into the ideological underpinnings of today’s scholarly debates”.

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