Elogiado comentário de Robert Jewett a Romanos

Nem é minha área específica de estudos, mas devo mencionar:

JEWETT, R. Romans: A Commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006, lxx + 1140 p. ISBN 978-0800660840.


Nas resenhas de Friedrich W. Horn e de James D. G. Dunn, publicadas na RBL em 2 de junho de 2007, há elogios rasgados à volumosa obra – parte da conceituada coleção Hermeneia – que representa o resultado de cerca de 20 anos de pesquisa de Robert Jewett.

James D. G. Dunn, da Universidade de Durham, Durham, Reino Unido, grande especialista em Paulo, como sabemos, diz, logo no começo da resenha de 8 páginas:

Robert Jewett’s commentary on Romans is one of the finest to have appeared in modern times. Most commentators follow a similar pattern and, if truth be told, often simply take over source references and cross-references from their predecessors. Indeed, when writing a commentary on a text such as Romans, it can be a wearisome business having to trail through predecessor after predecessor all saying much the same thing, shifting the chairs round the table, and moving the bowl of flowers, but not much else! With Jewett’s commentary, however, one can be sure that nothing is secondhand. In the twenty or so years of working toward this great commentary he has approached the whole and theindividual parts with a freshness that has often produced genuinely new material to help illuminate particular texts and that has brought a fine maturity of judgment to controverted points of exegesis. Even in surveys of earlier views and summaries of particular debates his writing has a sharpness of observation and critique that is never less than a stimulus and pleasure to engage… E termina dizendo: In short, I yield to no one in my admiration for this most admirable commentary.

E Friedrich W. Horn, da Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Alemanha, termina assim sua resenha:

Die mühsame und langwierige Ausarbeitung in den folgenden mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten hat ein opus magnum zu Wege gebracht. Es ist jetzt hier nicht der Ort, diesem Werk sogleich mit Anfragen und Kritik zu begegnen. Vielmehr soll abschließend der Dank an Robert Jewett ausgesprochen werden, der der zukünftigen Römerbriefauslegung einen kräftigen Impuls vermittelt hat.

Quem é Robert Jewett?
Robert Jewett, Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary (1980 to 2000), is Visiting Professor of New Testament at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.

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