Blog do mês de março 2006: Higgaion, de Chris Heard

Blog of the Month: March 2006

O blog do mês de março 2006, escolhido por, é Higgaion, de Christopher Heard, de Oak Park, Califórnia, USA. Chris Heard é professor de Antigo Testamento na Pepperdine University, Malibu, Califórnia. Higgaion tem como proposta tratar de “meditations on biblical studies, church life, and any other topics I find to be of spiritual interest”.

Na entrevista, quero destacar uma das respostas de Chris Heard, e é justamente sobre as vantagens e desvantagens do ato de blogar:

BB: What have you found to be the advantages and disadvantages of blogging?
CH: The advantage to me is that when I have something to say, I can say it, and those who care can listen and respond. As I mentioned before, the main value to me is in communicating with friends new and old about topics of mutual interest. At times blogs can seem sort of like parallel monologues, so it’s an interesting kind of communication medium. One of the things I really like about blogs is that scholars, graduate students, and interested non-specialists interact in the blogosphere with a free and nonhierarchical exchange of ideas; there is no “pulling rank” or, usually, flouting of credentials. If nothing else, it’s a way for me to think out loud, but the “democratization” of academic discourse in the blogosphere also creates a sense of responsibility and accountability that I don’t always feel when dealing with my own students, who are far more likely to “take my word for it” even if I encourage them not to do that. The primary disadvantage to blogging is that it’s one more thing on my “to do” list.

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