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Blog sobre estudos acadêmicos da Bíblia
LEUCHTER, M. The Levites and the Boundaries of Israelite Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, xiv + 306 p. – ISBN 9780190665098.
At a glance, the Hebrew Bible presents the Levites as a group of ritual assistants and subordinates in Israel’s cult. A closer look, however, reveals a far more complicated history behind the emergence of this group in Ancient Israel. A careful reconsideration of the sources provides new insights into the origins of the Levites, their social function and location, and the development of traditions that grew around them. The social location and self-perception of the Levites evolved alongside the network of clans and tribes that grew into a monarchic society, and alongside the struggle to define religious and social identity in the face of foreign cultures. This book proposes new ways to see not only how these changes affected Levite self-perception but also the manner in which this perception affected larger trends as Israelite religion evolved into nascent Judaism. By consulting the textual record, archaeological evidence, the study of cultural memory and social-scientific models, Mark Leuchter demonstrates that the Levites emerge as boundary markers and boundary makers in the definition of what it meant to be part of “Israel.”
Mark Leuchter is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism in the Department of Religion at Temple University.
EBELING, J. et alii (eds.) The Old Testament in Archaeology and History. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2017, 680 p. – ISBN 9781481307390.
One hundred and fifty years of sustained archaeological investigation has yielded a more complete picture of the ancient Near East. The Old Testament in Archaeology and History combines the most significant of these archaeological findings with those of modern historical and literary analysis of the Bible to recount the history of ancient Israel and its neighboring nations and empires.
Eighteen international authorities contribute chapters to this introductory volume. After exploring the history of modern archaeological research in the Near East and the evolution of “biblical archaeology” as a discipline, this textbook follows the Old Testament’s general chronological order, covering such key aspects as the exodus from Egypt, Israel’s settlement in Canaan, the rise of the monarchy under David and Solomon, the period of the two kingdoms and their encounters with Assyrian power, the kingdoms’ ultimate demise, the exile of Judahites to Babylonia, and the Judahites’ return to Jerusalem under the Persians along with the advent of “Jewish” identity. Each chapter is tailored for an audience new to the history of ancient Israel in its biblical and ancient Near Eastern setting.
The end result is an introduction to ancient Israel combined with and illuminated by more than a century of archaeological research. The volume brings together the strongest results of modern research into the biblical text and narrative with archaeological and historical analysis to create an understanding of ancient Israel as a political and religious entity based on the broadest foundation of evidence. This combination of literary and archaeological data provides new insights into the complex reality experienced by the peoples reflected in the biblical narratives.
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Sobre o seminário de 2018:
:: Tema: Os livros “históricos” do Antigo Testamento
:: Data: 22-26 de janeiro de 2018
:: Coordenador: Professor Federico Giuntoli
:: Inscrição: até 10 de outubro de 2017
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Seminario 2018: dal 22 al 26 gennaio 2018
Tema del seminario: I libri «storici» dell’Antico Testamento
Il prossimo Seminario di aggiornamento per Docenti di Sacra Scrittura avrà luogo dal 22 al 26 gennaio 2018 e sarà diretto dal Prof. Federico Giuntoli.
La tematica che verrà sviluppata è quella dei libri “storici” dell’Antico Testamento; questi costituiscono una parte considerevole della tradizione biblica, e sono la base indispensabile per comprendere gli scritti profetici e più in generale la stessa storia del popolo di Dio.
Come negli anni precedenti, il Seminario prevede delle lezioni magistrali al mattino e sedute pomeridiane sotto forma seminariale.
Lezioni del mattino:
:. In una mattinata introduttiva, ci saranno due interventi:
. il primo sul rapporto tra il Deuteronomio e la storia deuteronomistica (Prof. Simone Paganini)
. il secondo sulla rilevanza della metodologia narrativa (Prof.ssa Béatrice Oiry)
:. In seguito sarà presentato l’insieme letterario dei libri di Giosuè, Giudici e Samuele (Prof. José Luis Sicre)
:. Il giorno seguente un approfondimento sui problemi testuali dei libri di Samuele (Prof. Stephen Pisano), più una focalizzazione tematica sulla figura di Davide (Prof. Craig Morrison).
:. Seguirà lo studio dei libri dei Re (Prof. Peter Dubovský) e dei libri delle Cronache ed Esdra/Nehemia (Prof. Claudio Balzaretti).
Nel pomeriggio del venerdì, invece della tradizionale Tavola Rotonda, verrà proposta una seduta conclusiva che verterà sulla storiografia extra-biblica (con i contributi del Prof. Paolo Merlo e della Prof.ssa Cristina Termini).
Sedute pomeridiane:
Le sedute pomeridiane sotto forma seminariale (per gruppi) avranno tre diverse tipologie
:. alcuni fra i Docenti che hanno tenuto le lezioni al mattino offriranno testi di approfondimento (Proff. Paganini, Oiry, Morrison, Dubovský, Balzaretti);
:. altri Professori tratteranno dei libri “storici” che non sono stati oggetto di esame nelle conferenze del mattino: il libro di Ester (Prof. Dionisio Candido), il libro di Rut (Prof.ssa Donatella Scaiola), il libro di Tobia (Prof. Marco Zappella), i libri dei Maccabei (Prof. Joseph Sievers);
:. vi sarà pure l’occasione per affrontare temi specifici, come la figura di Natan (Prof.ssa Bruna Costacurta) e il rapporto tra archeologia e storiografia biblica (Prof. Josef Briffa).
Chi fosse interessato è pregato di dare la propria adesione entro il 10 ottobre 2017, inviando una e-mail all’indirizzo: pibsegr@biblico.it.
Ai partecipanti viene chiesto un contributo di € 120.
Per gli iscritti all’associazione ex-alunni PIB il contributo sarà invece di € 100.
Tale contributo potrà essere versato all’inizio del seminario. Non è necessario inviare alcuna somma al momento dell’iscrizione; si chiede però gentilmente di inviare la propria adesione solo se realmente si prevede di partecipare, proprio perché l’organizzazione finale della settimana dipenderà anche dal numero dei partecipanti.
Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi a: Segretario Generale PIB (pibsegr@biblico.it)
CLIFFORD, R. J. (ed.) Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2007, 132 p. – ISBN 9781589832190.
This volume in the SBL Symposium series grew out of a panel on “Mesopotamian Wisdom Literature and Its Legacy in the Ancient Near East” at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in 2004 at San Antonio, Texas. Panelists Paul-Alain Beaulieu, Karel van der Toorn, Peter Machinist, and Victor Avigdor Hurowitz—biblical scholars as well as distinguished Assyriologists—gave papers on Mesopotamian wisdom literature. The editor of this volume, Richard Clifford, was chair of the SBL panel. Though primarily concerned with Mesopotamia, the panelists adduced parallels to other cultures and literatures, including ancient Israel. One paper was on the intellectual and social setting of Babylonian wisdom literature; another was on the development of the concept of wisdom especially in the Old Babylonian and Standard Versions of the Gilgamesh Epic. Two papers were fresh studies of important though difficult wisdom texts, one long known and the other recently published. So well attended was the meeting and so stimulating the discussion that the panelists and chair decided to publish the papers and invite other scholars to contribute to the volume. Since all the papers focus on specific issues or texts, a general guide to the publication of Mesopotamian wisdom literature in its relationship to biblical literature is called for.
Download gratuito no Projeto ICI da SBL.
Richard J. Clifford (born 1934) is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA.
Para entender o motivo dessa publicação, clique aqui.
CLIFFORD, R. J. Creation Accounts in the Ancient Near East and in the Bible. Washington: The Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1994, XIII + 217 p. – ISBN 9780915170258.
This book examines the Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Canaanite, and Biblical cosmogonies. It seeks to clarify the meaning of creation in the Ancient Near East and in the Bible, and thereby to establish a broad context in which individual themes can be compared.
Richard J. Clifford is Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA.
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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia
Uma lista de livros sobre a LXX publicados em 2016.
Feita por James K. Aitken, professor de Hebraico, Antigo Testamento e Estudos da Época do Segundo Templo na Universidade de Cambridge, Reino Unido. Um reconhecido especialista em LXX.
Jim Aitken’s Reading List for LXX Studies
Por Jim West, em Zwinglius Redivivus – 3 de maio de 2017
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LXX Scholar Interview: Dr. James K. Aitken
9th Enoch Seminar, June 18-23, 2017: “From tôrāh to Torah: Variegated Notions of Torah from the First Temple Period to Late Antiquity”
Chairs: William M. Schniedewind (University of California at Los Angeles) and Jason M. Zurawski (University of Groningen), in collaboration with Gabriele Boccaccini (Director of the Enoch Seminar).
Date: June 18-23, 2017
Place: Monastero di Camaldoli, Camaldoli, Italy
Area of Focus:
The Enoch Seminar and the resultant volume will examine the diverse understandings of tôrāh, beginning with the texts of the Hebrew Bible through to the Second Temple period and late antiquity, moving beyond traditional paradigms such as the early usage of tôrāh as general instruction vs. the transition to nomos, as “law,” or the development of a “normative” notion of Torah (capitalization intentional) in the Second Temple period. Participants are encouraged to rethink our scholarly assumptions and preconceptions on the topic and tackle the questions anew in light of more critical philological and historical approaches. We seek to examine the various notions of tôrāh (and nomos) in all relevant literature, regardless of scholarly or denominational corpora, both within ancient Jewish/Judean traditions and in light of broader influences, whether Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, Persian, etc. As this meeting follows and builds upon the work from the Fifth Nangeroni Meeting, “Second Temple Jewish Paideia in its Ancient Near Eastern and Hellenistic Contexts” (June/July 2015), discussions pertaining to the connections between tôrāh/Torah/nomos/dat and education, pedagogy, wisdom, etc., are especially encouraging. Our aim will be to discuss the variety of ways that tôrāh was defined and developed in the literature.
Visite: 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism, and Christian and Islamic Origins
Conferência Internacional no PIB – Pontifício Instituto Bíblico: 11-13 de maio de 2017
Stones, Tablets and Scrolls: Four Periods of the Formation of the Bible
Com 24 conferencistas:
Alice M. W. Hunt (University of Georgia, Athens, GA), Eckart Frahm (Yale University, New Haven, CT), Peter Dubovský (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Peter Machinist (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA), Jean Louis Ska (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Jeffrey Zorn (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY), Michael Jursa (Universität Wien), Hermann-Josef Stipp (Ludwig Maximilians-Universität, Munich), David Vanderhooft (Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA), Erhard Blum (Universität Tübingen), Pierfrancesco Callieri (Università di Bologna, campus di Ravenna), Agustinus Gianto (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Eric Meyers (Duke University, Durham, NC), Diana Edelman (University of Oslo), Federico Giuntoli (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University), Thomas Römer (Collège de France, Paris), Oren Tal (Tel Aviv University), Joseph Sievers (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), Barbara Schmitz (Universität Würzburg), Katell Berthelot (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Aix-en-Provence), Henryk Drawnel (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Lublin), Marcello Fidanzio (Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano) e Emanuel Tov (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
Veja o programa em pdf clicando aqui.
Pós-Graduação em Profetismo e Apocalíptica: Perspectivas e Interpretações
Em 2017, a Escola de Teologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) lança o curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Profetismo e Apocalíptica: Perspectivas e Interpretações.
Com uma proposta de discutir profetismo e apocalíptica numa perspectiva histórico-literária, considerando a relação dos textos com a cultura, a linguagem e a história, o curso será oferecido a distância, com aulas quinzenais, ao vivo. A presença do pós-graduando no Polo de Apoio Presencial será requerida apenas para a realização de avaliações e apresentação do trabalho final de curso.
Entre os docentes encontram-se nomes conhecidos da academia bíblica brasileira, como Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira, Marcelo da Silva Carneiro, Valtair Afonso Miranda, Paulo Roberto Garcia, Suely Xavier dos Santos e João Batista Ribeiro Santos, acompanhados por um grupo de jovens mestres e doutores dispostos a agregar mais provocações às leituras desses temas.
O curso de Pós-Graduação de Profetismo e Apocalíptica da Metodista é destinado a graduados em Teologia, Ciências da Religião, História e áreas afins, bem como a professores de Teologia, professores de Ciências da Religião, professores de História e estudiosos de literatura religiosa antiga com formação de nível superior.
As matrículas para a primeira turma do curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Profetismo e Apocalíptica: Perspectivas e Interpretações, com início das aulas previsto para março [as aulas começaram no dia 14, nova turma em maio], estão abertas. Mais informações na página do curso no Facebook.
Fontes: ABIB e página do curso no Facebook
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