Morreu Norman K. Gottwald

Será que existe alguém aqui no Brasil que lida com Bíblia Hebraica / Antigo Testamento e/ou com História de Israel que ainda não conhece Norman K. Gottwald? E sua teoria da revolta camponesa ou da retribalização, para explicar as origens de Israel?

E que nunca tropeçou em seu “tijolaço” de quase mil páginas chamado The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion of Liberated Israel, 1250-1050 B.C.E. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1979 [2. ed. 1999], em português: As Tribos de Iahweh: Uma Sociologia da Religião de Israel Liberto, 1250-1050 a.C. 2. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 2004 [1. ed. 1986]?

Pois é. Norman K. Gottwald morreu no dia 11 de março de 2022 aos 95 anos de idade.Norman K. Gottwald (1926-2022)

Gottwald está presente na Ayrton’s Biblical Page e no Observatório Bíblico em vários lugares. Confira, por exemplo:

Leitura socioantropológica da Bíblia Hebraica: as teorias de Mendenhall e de Gottwald – Ayrton’s Biblical Page: 1999

História de Israel – As origens de Israel: a teoria da revolta – Ayrton’s Biblical Page – Última atualização: 2021

A História de Israel no debate atual – Israel: Canaã transformado? – Ayrton’s Biblical Page: 2001

Norman K Gottwald por Roland Boer – Observatório Bíblico: 30.04.2011

Veja as obras de Norman K. Gottwald aqui e aqui.


Norman K. Gottwald (1926 – 2022) was Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at New York Theological Seminary and taught previously at the Graduate Theological Union GOTTWALD, N. K. As Tribos de Iahweh: uma sociologia da religião de Israel liberto, 1250-1050 a.C. 2. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 2004 [1. ed. 1986]and Andover Newton Theological School. His most influential book is The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion of Liberated Israel, 1250-1050 B.C.E. (1979), a celebrated study of the origins of ancient Israel as an indigenous peasant uprising. His other writings include The Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction, The Hebrew Bible in Its Social World and in Ours, The Politics of Ancient Israel, and, as co-author, The Bible and Liberation: Political and Social Hermeneutics. Gottwald pioneered the use of social theory and method in biblical studies. He was a world-wide lecturer on the critical relevance of the Bible to contemporary social struggles and a citizen activist in numerous civil rights, anti-war, and pro-labor movements and organizations. As an ordained minister of American Baptist Churches USA, he was a strong advocate of popular biblical study committed to social change.

See also:

Remembering and Honoring Norman K. Gottwald

Remembering Dr. Norman K. Gottwald, preeminent scholar of the Old Testament

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