17º e último Seminário Europeu sobre Metodologia Histórica

O Seminário Europeu de Metodologia Histórica de 2012, o décimo sétimo e último, foi realizado em Amsterdã, Holanda, como parte do Congresso da EABS/SBL (22-26 de julho de 2012). Os membros do Seminário fizeram apresentações sobre suas perspectivas para a escrita de uma História de Israel – ou do Levante Sul – e refletiram sobre o que aprenderam desde o Primeiro Seminário, realizado em 1996.

Membros do Seminário em 2012 incluem, segundo o programa: Hans Barstad, Edinburgh; Bob Becking, Utrecht; Ehud Ben Zvi, Edmonton; Joseph Blenkinsopp, Notre Dame; Philip Davies, Sheffield; Diana Edelman, Sheffield; Philippe Guillaume, Bern; Axel Knauf, Bern; Niels Peter Lemche, Copenhagen; Nadav Na’aman, Tel Aviv; Thomas L. Thompson, Copenhagen.

Na ocasião, Lester L. Grabbe, da Universidade de Hull, Reino Unido, coordenador do grupo, apresentou os resultados de 16 anos do Seminário Europeu sobre Metodologia Histórica (Sixteen Years of the ESHM: the Results – This paper will summarize the results of the ESHM meetings from my perspective as the ESHM organizer and editor) e disse que este é o último encontro regular do grupo, que passa agora o bastão para as novas gerações de biblistas que trabalham com história: As its 17th meeting in 2012, the ESHM will draw a close to its regular meetings. Although we might get together for certain special discussions in the future, we feel that we have accomplished our main purpose and wish to pass the torch to a younger generation of biblical scholars who work in history.

Publicações dos Seminários: confira a lista em GRABBE, L. L. (ed.)

European Seminar in Historical Methodology – Lester L. Grabbe

Description: The European Seminar on Methodology in Israel’s History (or, more briefly, the European Seminar in Historical Methodology) is an independent seminar (membership by invitation only) which will be holding sessions at the EABS meeting. The aim of the Seminar is to address the lack of methodological debate among most biblical historians by focusing on the principles and techniques of ancient and modern historiography about ancient Israel. After its initial debate on how far a history of ancient Israel can be written, and what sort of history, it has focused on particular historical periods or events, assessing the evidence available and considering the possibilities of a modern critical description. As its 17th meeting in 2012, the ESHM will draw a close to its regular meetings. Although we might get together for certain special discussions in the future, we feel that we have accomplished our main purpose and wish to pass the torch to a younger generation of biblical scholars who work in history. The meeting this year will have a different format, in that short papers will be read in the meeting itself. Members will each give a presentation of their views about writing the history of Israel (or the Southern Levant) and reflect on what they have learned since the Seminar first met in 1996. Once short papers are given by long-term members, a panel discussion is planned in which members of the audience will have the opportunity to put questions to Seminar members.

Topic for 2012 Amsterdam Meeting: Conclusions about Writing History.

Members of the Seminar include: Hans Barstad, Edinburgh; Bob Becking, Utrecht; Ehud Ben Zvi, Edmonton; Joseph Blenkinsopp, Notre Dame; Philip Davies, Sheffield; Diana Edelman, Sheffield; Philippe Guillaume, Bern; Axel Knauf, Bern; Niels Peter Lemche, Copenhagen; Nadav Na’aman, Tel Aviv; Thomas L. Thompson, Copenhagen.

Previous publications of the Seminar: here (edited by GRABBE, L. L.).

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