Terremoto no Chile e alerta de tsunami

Sismógrafo em São Paulo registra terremoto do Chile – Apolo11.com – 27 fev 2010

O mega terremoto de 8.8 graus que atingiu a costa do Chile nesta madrugada é um dos maiores tremores que já atingiram o país andino em toda a história. A intensidade do abalo foi equivalente à detonação de 12 mil bombas atômicas similares à que destruiu Hiroshima em 1945 e pelo menos 500 vezes mais potente do que o terremoto de 7.0 graus que destruiu a capital do Haiti em janeiro de 2010.

Enquanto no Haiti o tremor foi causado pelo deslizamento entre a placa tectônica caribenha e norte-americana, o evento do Chile foi causado pelo choque entre a placa tectônica de Nazca, a leste do epicentro e sul-americana, a oeste. Essa mesma movimentação da crosta terrestre também é a responsável pela formação da cordilheira dos Andes, que domina a face ocidental da América do Sul.

O mega terremoto ocorreu às 06h34 UTC (03h34 hora local e de Brasília), 35 km abaixo do leito submarino sob as coordenadas 35.846°S e 72.719°W, aproximadamente a 100 km a norte-noroeste de Chillan, 115 km a norte-nordeste da cidade de Concepcion e 325 km a sudoeste da capital Santiago. O evento foi seguido de uma série de aftershocks (sismos secundários que ocorrem após o tremor principal), os mais intensos com magnitude de 6.2 graus, registrado na mesma localidade e outro de 6.9 graus, na costa de Bio-Bio.

Diversos terremotos ainda estão sendo registrados na costa chilena, fazendo a costa chilena vibrar por pelo menos 5 horas. Devido à localização, intensidade e profundidade, diversos avisos de tsunamis foram gerados para a costa do Peru, Chile, Equador e Polinésia Francesa, mas até agora não há informação sobre a formação de ondas gigantes.

O tremor dessa madrugada foi sentido também em outros países andinos. Em Buenos Aires, diversos prédios foram evacuados e em Lima, capital do Peru, o tremor foi percebido nas ruas e prédios da cidade.

Terremoto registrado em São Paulo

Segundo informações do Corpo de Bombeiros, moradores dos bairros da Mooca, Tatuapé, Bela Vista e da avenida Paulista procuraram a Defesa Civil e o Corpo de Bombeiros para comunicar tremores.

O tremor também foi registrado pelo sismógrafo instalado no bairro de Vila Mariana e mantido pelo Apolo11-PainelGlobal, que registrou os principais eventos ocorridos durante toda a madrugada.

Livro em homenagem a Lester L. Grabbe

Livro editado por Philip R. Davies e Diana Vikander Edelman presta homenagem a Lester L. Grabbe. Publicação prevista para outubro de 2010.

Claro, um livro em homenagem a um dos mais interessantes historiadores do judaísmo antigo só podia tratar das múltiplas questões que envolvem hoje a escrita de DAVIES, Ph. R.; EDELMAN, D. V. (eds.) The Historian and the Bible: Essays in Honour of Lester L. Grabbe. London: T&T Clark, [2010] 2014uma História de Israel, de suas teorias e práticas, de suas controvérsias e conquistas.

Os autores são colegas e amigos de Lester L. Grabbe, que é também o fundador do Seminário Europeu sobre Metodologia Histórica. Contam-se aí nomes bem conhecidos dos leitores deste blog e de minha página, como Mario Liverani, Niels Peter Lemche, Thomas L. Thompson, Philip R. Davies, Hans Barstad, Diana V. Edelman, Bob Becking, Nadav Naaman e muitos outros.

DAVIES, Ph. R. ; EDELMAN, D. V. (eds.) The Historian and the Bible: Essays in Honour of Lester L. Grabbe. London: T&T Clark, [2010] 2014, 256 p. – ISBN 9780567546203.

Diz a Editora:
Lester Grabbe is probably the most distinguished, and certainly the most prolific of historians of ancient Judaism, the author of several standard treatments and the founder of the European Seminar on Historical methodology. He has continued to set the bar for Hebrew Bible scholarship. In this collection some thirty of his distinguished colleagues and friends offer their reflections on the practice and theory of history writing, on the current controversies and topics of major interest. This collection provides an opportunity for scholars of high caliber to consider groundbreaking ideas in light of Grabbe’s scholarship and influence. This festschrift offers the reader a unique volume of essays to explore and consider the far-reaching influence of Grabbe on the field of Biblical studies as a whole.


Do Prefácio dos editores:

No biblical historian (and surely few biblical scholars) can be unfamiliar with the name of Lester Grabbe. He is undoubtedly the most prolic biblical historian of this, or any preceding generation, and this volume in celebration of his 65th birthday focuses on this major aspect of his work. But he has also made contributions to linguistics (his rst published book [1977] was on “comparative philology”) and later to Hebrew etymology in Philo of Alexandria (1988). He has written Introductions to Leviticus (1993), Ezra–Nehemiah (1998), and the Wisdom of Solomon (1997), as well as studies of Israelite religion and early Judaism (1995, 2000), and edited and contributed volumes on biblical prophecy (2001, 2003, 2004) and on early Judaism (2000). But he is best known for both his histories of Israel, Judah and Judaism and his creation of the European Seminar on Historical Methodology, including his editorship of its numerous volumes—both being too numerous to list!

It was no great challenge to summon contributors to his Festschrift. In these pages is an inventory of those who have worked with Lester and learned from him and his work. He has always tried not only to understand and explain how history should be done but to show by example; and his knowledge of primary and secondary source is unsurpassed.

Lester has been blessed (if that is the word) by being born American (and Texan at that!), but having settled and raised his family in England. He has thereby gained a truly trans-Atlantic experience and—more importantly—character. His pragmatism is certainly Anglo-American, as is his suspicion of philosophical method and belief in the past as a reality to be reconstructed. His humour, modesty and dislike of polemic are perhaps English rather than American, but his vowels have remained entirely faithful to his country of birth.

His contribution to biblical scholarship extends beyond his array of publications, however. For many years he was editor of the Book List of the Society for Old Testament Study, and he was elected the Society’s President in 2009. He was also one of the co-founders of the European Association of Biblical Studies, and deserves much of the credit for sustaining it in its early years, serving as President and then Executive Ofcer. Three co-edited books on prophecy are fruits of his work in the SBL Prophetic Texts and Their Ancient Contexts Group.

Books edited by Lester Grabbe are characterized by careful summaries of their contributions; these (we can testify from personal experience) are circulated to the authors before publication, for Lester cares deeply about such things. His concern for the integrity of the authorial voice accompanies his care for the objectivity of historical facts. If by these virtues he thereby attracts the label of “pre-postmodern,” he will happily wear the badge. Readers of his edited volumes can thus condently scan his Introduction as a preliminary (or substitute) for reading the articles themselves. In this volume, however, we offer the reader no such privilege, both because we doubt we can attain a similar level of objectivity and also because we wish to withhold from the reader any pretext for not savouring a collection of tributes that we trust are worthy of the scholar to whom they are warmly dedicated.


Sumário – Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations


History and Memory. Some Reflections on the ‘Memory Debate’ in Relation to the Hebrew Bible

Postcolonial Studies and the Study of Israelite History.

Text and Archaeology in a Period of Great Decline: The Contribution of the Amarna Letters to the Debate on the Historicity of Nehemiah’s Wall

Secondary Sources Also Deserve to be Historically Evaluated: The Case of the United Monarchy

Reiterative Narrative and the Problem of the Exile

Hazor in the Second Half of the 10th Century BCE: Historiography, Archaeology and History

The Chronology of the Biblical Fairy-Tale

The Story of Micaiah, son of Imlah: What Could the Ancient Intended Readers Learn from It?

Of Priests and Prophets and Interpreting the Past: The Egyptian Hm-Ntr and Hry-Hbt and the Judahite nabi’

Welcome Home

Here is a Man Whose Name is ?ema?’ (Zechariah 6:12)

Drought, Hunger, and Redistribution: A Social-Economic Reading of Nehemiah 5

Footnotes to the Rescript of Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:11-26)

Aspects of Samaria’s Religious Culture during the Early Hellenistic Period

Biblical References to Judean Settlement in Eretz Israel (and Beyond) in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods

The Hebrew Canon and the Origins of Judaism

What Makes a Text Historical? Assumptions behind the Classification of Some Dead Sea Scrolls

Diversidade religiosa em Israel e Judá

Este livro, editado por Francesca Stavrakopoulou, Professora de Bíblia Hebraica na Universidade de Exeter, Reino Unido, e por John Barton, Professor de Interpretação da Sagrada Escritura na Universidade de Oxford, Reino Unido, trata das crenças e práticas religiosas de israelitas e judaítas.

Especialistas na área como Susan Niditch, Herbert Niehr, Nick Wyatt, Diana Edelman, Philip Davies, Carol Meyers, Rainer Albertz, Jeremy Hutton e Lester Grabbe, ilustram e analisam a diversidade destas crenças e práticas.

Diversidade muitas vezes esquecida nos manuais e nas salas de aula dos cursos de graduação, mas cada vez mais reconhecida e debatida pela academia e por um número crescente de publicações.

Publicação prevista, tanto em Paperback quanto em Hardcover, para abril de 2010.

STAVRAKOPOULOU, F.; BARTON, J. (eds.) Religious Diversity in Ancient Israel and Judah. London: T & T Clark, 2010, 224 p. – ISBN 9780567032164.

Diz a editora:
Understanding of the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Israelites has changed considerably in recent years. It is now increasingly accepted that the biblical presentation of Israelite religion is often at odds with the historical realities of ancient Israel’s religious climate. As such, the diversity inherent to ancient Israelite religion is often overlooked—particularly within university lecture halls and classrooms. This textbook draws together specialists in the field to explain, illustrate and analyze this religious diversity. Following an introductory essay guiding the reader through the book, the collection falls into three sections. The first focuses on conceptual diversities. It deconstructs common assumptions about Israelite religion and reconstructs Israelite perceptions of the nature of the religious world. The second section examines socio-religious diversities. It studies the varied social contexts of ancient Israelites, exploring the relationship between worshippers’ social locations and their perceptions and experiences of the divine. The third section deals with geographical diversities. It seeks to understand how geographical distinctions engender certain characteristics within Israelite religion and impact upon religious perceptions. Underpinning each essay in this volume is a shared concern to: (1) explore the ways in which worshippers’ socio-cultural contexts shape and colour their religious beliefs and practices; (2) assess the role, benefits and limitations of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in reconstructing ancient Israelite religion.

Sumário – Contents

Introduction: Francesca Stavrakopoulou and John Barton

:: Conceptual Diversities

Experiencing the Divine: Heavenly visits, earthly encounters, and the land of the dead
Susan Niditch, Amherst College, MA, USA

‘Israelite’ religion and ‘Canaanite’ religion
Herbert Niehr, Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen, Germany

‘Official’ religion and ‘popular’ religion
Francesca Stavrakopoulou, University of Exeter, UK

:: Socio-Religious Diversities

Royal religion in ancient Judah
Nick Wyatt, University of Edinburgh, UK

Cultic sites and complexes beyond the Jerusalem Temple
Diana Edelman, University of Sheffield, UK

Urban religion and rural religion
Philip Davies, University of Sheffield, UK

Household religion
Carol Meyers, Duke University, NC, USA

Personal piety
Rainer Albertz. Wilhelms University, Munster, Germany

:: Geographical Diversities

Northern, Southern and Transjordanian perspectives
Jeremy Hutton, Princeton Theological Seminary, USA

Worship beyond Yehud
Lester Grabbe, University of Hull, UK

Post-Script: Reflecting on religious diversity
John Barton, University of Oxford, UK

Livro traz palestras de Crossan na UMESP

Em outubro de 2007, John Dominic Crossan, em visita ao Brasil, fez palestras na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo – UMESP.

Este livro, organizado pelos professores Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira e Jonas Machado traz estas palestras.

DE SOUZA NOGUEIRA, P. A.; MACHADO, J. (orgs.) Morte e ressurreição de Jesus: reconstrução e hermenêutica – Um debate com John Dominic Crossan. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2009, 167 p. – ISBN 9788535625103.

Diz a editora:
A obra Morte e ressurreição de Jesus: reconstrução e hermenêutica. Um debate com John Dominic Crossan traz as palestras por ele apresentadas na Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, no final de 2007, todas elas focadas na possível reaproximação aos eventos que culminaram na morte do profeta Galileu e na compreensão do sentido da fé em sua ressurreição. Mais ainda, traz uma crítica de Crossan ao filme A Paixão de Cristo, de Mel Gibson. O objetivo da obra, organizada pelos professores e teólogos Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira e Jonas Machado, é oferecer ao leitor momentos em que não só a pesquisa, história e hermenêutica são apresentadas, mas também reações às palestras de Crossan e propostas de diálogo.