Blog Seforim Online

Seforim Online Blog: Out of Print, Hard to Find Hebrew Seforim for Free Download

Através deste blog o interessado em livros hebraicos pode acompanhar as publicações do site Seforim Online.

Este site oferece para download gratuito várias publicações clássicas do judaísmo, esgotadas ou de domínio público.

Dizem os responsáveis:
This web site is dedicated to making old seforim of Rishonim and Acharonim available over the internet. The Seforim Online project is run by dedicated individuals who are commited to the mitzva of Talmud Torah. All of the seforim available on this web site are completely free. Most of them are out-of-print and are not readily available in stores. Some are not out-of-print, but due to their age do not have any copyright restrictions.

Charles Halton, do biblioblog, assinala, em post de hoje, que estão disponíveis para download, em formato pdf, os Códices de Aleppo e de Leningrado. E há outros códices disponíveis.

Visite também o site, que diz: was founded in order to preserve old American Hebrew books that are out of print and/or circulation. Many American Rabbis wrote seforim (Hebrew books) in the early part of the 20th century. They have long since passed away and in many instances so has their holy work. Currently our mission has expanded to include all Torah Seforim ever printed. At you will be able to view and print the entire Sefer online.

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