Sinagogas no século I d.C.

‘Synagogues’ in the New Testament Period
The study of the ancient synagogue has recently been the focus of a great deal of scholarly literature. While a previous generation of scholars had a very clear idea of what was meant by a reference to a first-century synagogue–it was an architecturally defined public building which was used for religious purposes, especially on the Sabbath–many of these assumptions have now been questioned. Two periods have especially interested scholars: the origin of the synagogue, and the first-century period, which is of particular interest to those working in New Testament studies. It is into this second category that my work, Reconstructing the First-century Synagogue, fits, and it is this period that this essay will address.

Leia o artigo completo de Stephen K. Catto, Lecturer in Biblical and Theological Studies, Morelands College, UK, autor do livro Reconstructing the First-Century Synagogue: A Critical Analysis of Current Research. London: T & T Clark, 2008, 226 p. – ISBN 9780567045614.

Em The Bible and Interpretation.

Adeus Haiti? ¿Adiós Haití?

Quando começaremos a nos esquecer do Haiti?
A julgar pelo que já vimos acontecer em outros momentos, logo os meios de comunicação começarão a centrar sua atuação em outros temas. Uma semana depois do terremoto e de suas incontáveis consequências, as histórias sobre o Haiti começam a perder espaço. Hoje, já não ocupam todos os lugares entre as mais lidas ou visitadas nos portais da internet. As chamadas em rádios e TVs começam a refletir uma certa saturação que não é mal intencionada, mas sim resultado quase natural da super exposição midiática que parece não conduzir a nenhum lado.

¿Cuándo comenzaremos a olvidarnos de Haití?
A una semana del seísmo y sus incontables réplicas, las historias comienzan a ceder espacios. Hoy, ya no copan todos los lugares entre las más leídas o visitadas en los portales de Internet. Las llamadas a emisoras de radio comienzan a reflejar un hartazgo que no es malintencionado, sino resultado casi natural de una saturación informativa que parece no conducir a ningún lado: porque lo que más recibimos son las mismas historias dramáticas, y la redundancia nos lleva a sentir que no es mucho lo que se puede hacer.

Leia o artigo de Gabriela Warkentin, diretora do Departamento de Comunicação da Universidade Iberoamericana, na Cidade do México, e apresentadora de rádio e TV.

Fonte: Carta Maior: 22/01/2010

História social do antigo Israel

Lançamento recente em português de livro do Professor Rainer Kessler, de Marburg, Alemanha. Traduzido do alemão por Haroldo Reimer.

Que também escreveu uma resenha, do original alemão, na Ribla n. 60, em 2008.

KESSLER, R. História social do antigo Israel. 2. ed. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2010, 304 p. – ISBN 9788535625295.

Original alemão: Sozialgeschichte des alten Israels: Eine Einführung. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2008 [2006], 223 p. – ISBN 9783534219629.

Resenhas na RBL: 23.01.2010

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

Roger S. Bagnall
Early Christian Books in Egypt
Reviewed by Larry Hurtado

Adam H. Becker and Annette Yoshiko Reed, eds.
The Ways That Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Reviewed by Chad Spigel

Bryan D. Bibb
Ritual Words and Narrative Worlds in the Book of Leviticus
Reviewed by Dorothea Erbele-Küster

David Bosworth
The Story within a Story in Biblical Hebrew Narrative
Reviewed by Hallvard Hagelia

James H. Charlesworth
The Earliest Christian Hymnbook: The Odes of Solomon
Reviewed by Michael Lattke

Johann Cook, ed.
Septuagint and Reception
Reviewed by Reinhart Ceulemans

David G. Firth and Jamie A. Grant, eds.
Words and the Word: Explorations in Biblical Interpretation and Literary Theory
Reviewed by Eugene Merrill

Erasmus Gass
Die Moabiter: Geschichte und Kultur eines ostjordanischen Volkes im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr.
Reviewed by Ernst Axel Knauf

Robert Goldenberg
The Origins of Judaism: From Canaan to the Rise of Islam
Reviewed by Lester L. Grabbe

Michael J. Gorman
Inhabiting the Cruciform God: Kenosis, Justification, and Theosis in Paul’s Narrative Soteriology
Reviewed by Sigurd Grindheim

Deborah A. Green and Laura S. Lieber, eds.
Scriptural Exegesis: The Shapes of Culture and the Religious Imagination: Essays in Honour of Michael Fishbane
Reviewed by Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer

Sue Hamilton, Ruth D. Whitehouse, and Katherine I. Wright, eds.
Archaeology and Women: Ancient and Modern Issues
Reviewed by Friedrich T. Schipper

Larry R. Helyer
The Witness of Jesus, Paul and John: An Exploration in Biblical Theology
Reviewed by Petrus Grabe

James Allen Hewett
New Testament Greek: A Beginning and Intermediate Grammar
Reviewed by Laurence Vance

Konrad Huber and Boris Repschinski, eds.
Im Geist und in der Wahrheit: Studien zum Johannesevangelium und zur Offenbarung des Johannes sowie andere Beiträge. Festschrift für Martin Hasitschka SJ zum 65. Geburtstag
Reviewed by Michael Labahn

Adam Kamesar, ed.
The Cambridge Companion to Philo
Reviewed by Torrey Seland

Robert Kugler and Patrick Hartin
An Introduction to the Bible
Reviewed by Pieter Venter

Hermann von Lips
Timotheus und Titus: Unterwegs für Paulus
Reviewed by Korinna Zamfir

Eduard Lohse
Das Urchristentum: Ein Rückblick auf die Anfänge
Reviewed by Markus Oehler

Stuart L. Love
Jesus and Marginal Women: The Gospel of Matthew in Social-Scientific Perspective
Reviewed by Esther A. de Boer

Victor H. Matthews
More Than Meets the Ear: Discovering the Hidden Contexts of Old Testament Conversations
Reviewed by Corinne Blackmer

Samuel A. Meier
Themes and Transformations in Old Testament Prophecy
Reviewed by Tyler Mayfield

Lorena Miralles
Marzeah y thíasos: Una institución convival en el Oriente Próximo Antiguo y el Mediterráneo
Reviewed by Leif E. Vaage

Douglas J. Moo
The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon
Reviewed by Christopher Beetham

Osvaldo Padilla
The Speeches of Outsiders in Acts: Poetics, Theology and Historiography
Reviewed by Deborah Thompson Prince

Chantal Reynier
Saint Paul sur les routes du monde romain: Infrastructures, logistique, itinéraires
Reviewed by Michel Gourgues

Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
The Power of the Word: Scripture and the Rhetoric of Empire
Reviewed by Keith Burton

Tom Thatcher
Greater than Caesar: Christology and Empire in the Fourth Gospel
Reviewed by Benjamin Reynolds

Fabian Udoh, ed.
Redefining First-Century Jewish and Christian Identities: Essays in Honor of Ed Parish Sanders
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz

Tor Vegge
Paulus und das antike Schulwesen: Schule und Bildung des Paulus
Reviewed by Jens Herzer

N. T. Wright
Justification: God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision
Reviewed by V. George Shillington

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O Sepulcro Esquecido de Jesus foi ressuscitado

Ou enterrado de vez?

Quem não se lembra do polêmico Sepulcro Esquecido de Jesus ou Tumba de Talpiot?

Pois então leia em The Bible and Interpretation:

Talpiot Dethroned
We have noted that a number of scholars have misstated facts in analyzing the statistics of the tomb. We also acknowledge that despite these errors, the Talpiot tomb might not be the Jesus family tomb. Nevertheless, an analysis on the calculations of the names in the tomb should at least be accurate and based on acceptable statistical methods.

By Kevin Kilty, Department of Physics and Engineering LCCC, Wyoming. With Mark Elliott, Editor, Bible and Interpretation – January 2010