Jesus e os camponeses: novo livro de D. Oakman

Quem já leu algo de Douglas E. Oakman, como Jesus and the Economic Questions of His Day (1987) ou Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflicts (com K. C. Hanson, 2. edition 2008), sabe da importância de seus estudos para se entender a Palestina da época de Jesus.

Pois mais um estudo de Oakman, Jesus e os camponeses, acaba de ser publicado agora em janeiro de 2008, na coleção Matrix: The Bible in Mediterranean Context da editora Cascade Books, que tem outros estudos bem interessantes:

OAKMAN, D. E. Jesus and the Peasants. Eugene, OR : Cascade Books, 2008, 348 p. – ISBN 9781597522755

Diz a editora:

While some of the chapters focus on systemic issues, others probe the depths of individual Gospel passages. The author’s keen eye for textual detail, archaeological data, comparative materials, and systemic overviews make this volume a joy for anyone interested in understanding Jesus in his own context. The volume is organized into three interrelated parts:
1) Political economy and the peasant values of Jesus
2) The Jesus traditions within peasant realities
3) The peasant aims of Jesus.

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