Livro em homenagem a Philip R Davies online

Parcialmente online, devo dizer. Vi no, de Charles Halton, que viu em John Hobbins

Mas o fato é que no blog da T & T Clark, há sete capítulos disponíveis online, totalmente gratuitos, do livro publicado em homenagem a Philip R. Davies, do qual falei no post Homenagem a Philip Davies.

Esta é uma obra que homenageia Philip R. Davies por ocasião de seus 60 anos de vida. Os autores se propõem refletir sobre a influência de Philip R. Davies nos estudos bíblicos nos últimos 30 anos.

BURNS, D.; ROGERSON, J. W. (eds) In Search of Philip R. Davies: Whose Festschrift is it Anyway? London: T & T Clark, 2007, 288 p. ISBN 9780567027177.

São os seguintes capítulos:

:: Ehud Ben Zvi, When YHWH Tests People: General Considerations and Particular Observations Regarding the Books of Chronicles and Job

:: Lester L. Grabbe, Prophecy as Inspired Biblical Interpretation: The Teacher of Righteousness and David Koresh

:: R. Barry Matlock, “Jew By Nature”: Paul, Ethnicity, and Galatians

:: Jacob Neusner, The Second Temple Origins of the Halakhah of Besah

:: Thomas L. Thompson, Why Talk About the Past: The Bible, Epic and Historiography

:: Robert L. Webb, The Rhetoric of 2 Peter: An Apologia for Early Christian Ethics (And Not ‘Primitive Christian Eschatology’)

:: Keith W. Whitelam, The Death of Biblical History

A controvertida Tumba de Talpiot

Mark Goodacre publicou hoje, a pedido dos Professores Eric Meyers e Jodi Magness, em seu NT Gateway Weblog, a seguinte declaração sobre a Tumba de Talpiot e a Conferência de Jerusalém:

The Talpiot Tomb Controversy Revisited
A firestorm has broken out in Jerusalem following the conclusion of the “Third Princeton Theological Seminary Symposium on Jewish Views of the Afterlife and Burial Practices in Second Temple Judaism: Evaluating the Talpiot Tomb in Context.” Most negative assessments of archaeologists and other scientists and scholars who attended have been excluded from the final press reports. Instead the media have presented the views of Simcha Jacobovici, who produced the controversial film and book “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” with Hollywood director James Cameron, and who claims that his identification has been vindicated by the conference papers. Nothing further from the truth can be deduced from the discussion and presentations that took place on January 13-17, 2008…

E, após várias considerações, a conclusão:
To conclude, we wish to protest the misrepresentation of the conference proceedings in the media, and make it clear that the majority of scholars in attendance – including all of the archaeologists and epigraphers who presented papers relating to the tomb – either reject the identification of the Talpiot tomb as belonging to Jesus’ family or find this claim highly unlikely.

Leia o texto completo.

Texto que é firmado por:
Professor Jodi Magness, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Professor Eric M. Meyers, Duke University
Choon-Leong Seow, Princeton Theological Seminary
F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp, Princeton Theological Seminary
Lee McDonald, Princeton Theological Seminary, visiting
Rachel Hachlili, Haifa University
Motti Aviam, University of Rochester
Amos Kloner, Bar Ilan University
Christopher Rollston, Emmanuel School of Religion
Shimon Gibson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Joe Zias, Science and Antiquity Group, Jerusalem
Jonathan Price, Tel Aviv University
C.D. Elledge, Gustavus Adolphus College

Conferência em Jerusalém avalia Tumba de Talpiot

Na semana passada, de 13 a 16 de janeiro de 2008, vários especialistas (e outros nem tanto), estiveram reunidos em Jerusalém para uma Conferência sobre a Tumba de Talpiot. Tumba que ficou muito conhecida através do filme O Sepulcro Esquecido de Jesus.

O tema da conferência foi Jewish Views of the After Life and Burial Practices in Second Temple Judaism. Evaluating the Talpiot Tomb in Context.

Os debates não podiam deixar de suscitar controvérsias, em matéria tão sensível.

Leia sobre o evento em The View from Jerusalem, e, se quiser, em outros biblioblogs, pois muitos noticiaram e discutiram o assunto.

Leia também em The Bible and Interpretation: Articles on Talpiot.