Resenhas na RBL – 13.06.2007

As seguintes resenhas foram recentemente publicadas pela Review of Biblical Literature:

Robert Chisholm
A Workbook for Intermediate Hebrew: Grammar, Exegesis, and Commentary on Jonah and Ruth
Reviewed by Stefan Fischer

Katharine Dell
The Book of Proverbs in Social and Theological Context
Reviewed by Magne Sæbø

Donald Jackson
The Saint John’s Bible: Prophets
Reviewed by George C. Heider

Robert Jewett
Romans: A Commentary
Reviewed by James D. G. Dunn
Reviewed by Friedrich W. Horn

Mark Roncace
Jeremiah, Zedekiah, and the Fall of Jerusalem
Reviewed by Bob Becking

Katherine Doob Sakenfeld, ed.
The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible: A-C
Reviewed by Walter A. Vogels

Esther Straub
Kritische Theologie ohne ein Wort vom Kreuz: Zum Verhältnis von Joh 1-12 und 13-20
Reviewed by Andrew T. Lincoln

Alfons Weiser
Der zweite Brief an Timotheus
Reviewed by Raymond F. Collins

L. L. Welborn
Paul, the Fool of Christ: A Study of 1 Corinthians 1-4 in the Comic-Philosophic Tradition
Reviewed by Russell Morton

Nicola Wendebourg
Der Tag des Herrn: Zur Gerichtserwartung im Neuen Testament auf ihrem alttestamentlichen und frühjüdischen Hintergrund
Reviewed by Markus Oehler

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