Livros online na Universidade da Pensilvânia

The Online Books Page é um site criado e mantido por John Mark Ockerbloom, da Universidade da Pensilvânia, USA, que dá acesso a livros gratuitos disponíveis na Internet. Há no site cerca de 25 mil títulos online.

Na área de Bíblia há muito material. Veja o resultado, em uma busca no site, pela palavra bible. Visite.

Diz o site:
The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all (…) The Online Books Page was founded, and is edited, by John Mark Ockerbloom. He is a digital library planner and researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. He is solely responsible for the content of the site. The site is hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Library.

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