Old Testament/Tanakh/Jewish Scriptures?

Em Thoughts on Antiquity se lê no post de Chris Weimer What is the “Old Testament”? o seguinte:

There’s been a little discussion going on about what nomenclature to give what is commonly referred to as the “Old Testament”. Claude Mariottini started the conversation with an article, and like the author of that article, decides on Old Testament as best, partly for theological reasons. Richie at Ecclesiastical Mutt responded with the general advice of keeping things “PC”. Chris Heard responded advocating “Tanakh”. He especially notes (in the comments) that it’s only to be used when specifically referring to the Tanakh (…) Overall, I think Jewish scriptures fits it best.

Claude Mariottini responde hoje a Chris Heard com Old Testament or Tanakh: A Response to Chris Heard.

Gostaria de lembrar que no dia 31 de janeiro de 2006 escrevi: Antigo Testamento/Primeiro Testamento/Bíblia Hebraica/Tanak… que rótulo usar?

Neste post cito e recomendo Tyler F. Williams que, em Codex, escreveu: Old Testament/First Testament/Hebrew Bible/Tanak: What’s in a Name? Quite a Bit Actually!

No contexto da atual discussão, acredito que uma releitura deste post de Tyler Williams poderia ser útil.

Atualizando: 31.05.2007 – 16h00
O próprio Tyler Williams propõe novamente o mencionado post. Argumenta: My position hasn’t changed since my previous post, so I thought I would reprint it here for you all. Também Duane Smith em Abnormal Interests contribui para a discussão com Those Mostly Hebrew Writings.

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