Tyler Williams mostra como funciona a crítica textual com dois exemplos

Tyler F. Williams, dando prosseguimento à série de posts sobre a crítica textual da Bíblia Hebraica/Antigo Testamento, chega ao post n. 9 que trata da Crítica Textual na Prática, onde diz:Neste post demonstrarei a prática da crítica textual com dois exemplos, Js 1,1 e Sl 73,7, que iluminam a prática da crítica textual externa e interna, respectivamente.


In this post I will demonstrate the practice of textual criticism with two examples, Joshua 1:1 and Psalm 73:7, which highlight the practice of external and internal textual criticism, respectively.

This is the ninth post in a series on the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Other posts include:

Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible – An Introduction (TCHB 1)
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible Resources (TCHB 2)
Hebrew Witnesses to the Text of the Old Testament (TCHB 3)
Early Versions of the Hebrew Bible (TCHB 4)
Codex Sinaiticus: A Profile (TCHB 5)
The History of the Biblical Text (TCHB 6)
The Goal(s) of Textual Criticism (TCHB 7)
The Practice of Textual Criticism (TCHB 8 )

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