As principais correntes teóricas da arqueologia

JOHNSON, M. Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. 2. ed. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2010, 328 p. – ISBN 9781405100151.

JOHNSON, M. Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. 2. ed. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2010, 328 p.

This book is an introductory essay on archaeological theory [the application of philosophy of science to archaeology]. It tries to explain something of what ‘theory’ is, its relationship to archaeological practice, how it has developed within archaeology over the last few decades, and how archaeological thought relates to theory in the human sciences and the intellectual world generally. Exploring the many ways of approaching the human past, from positivism to post-modernism, Johnson reveals the historical origins of different schools of thought and sets theories against the practical problems they are intended to solve, as well as against wider developments in other disciplines. Matthew H. Johnson is Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Northwestern University, USA.

Este livro traz um panorama das principais correntes teóricas da arqueologia. Explica o que é “teoria”, sua relação com a prática arqueológica e como ela se desenvolveu dentro da arqueologia nas últimas décadas.

Matthew H. Johnson

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