Implicações políticas e ideológicas da arqueologia do Antigo Oriente Médio

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POLLOCK, S.; BERBECK, R.  (eds.) Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005, 384 p. – ISBN 9780631230014.

POLLOCK, S.; BERBECK, R.  (eds.) Archaeologies of the Middle East: Critical Perspectives. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005, 384 p.

Archaeologies of the Middle East explores the connections between modern-day politics and the social context of archaeological practice and underutilized approaches to archaeological interpretation, such as: examining the ways in which scholars write about the past, the portrayal of archaeology in the news media, and the impacts of and on archaeology in volatile political situations. Written by some of the top archaeologists of the Middle East, this volume integrates scholars from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of interests and intellectual approaches to their research. Susan Pollock is Professor Emerita at State University of New York at Binghamton, USA, and guest professor in the Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Reinhard Bernbeck is Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Near Eastern Archaeology at Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany.

Este livro trabalha as conexões entre a política atual e o contexto social da prática arqueológica. Examina as formas como os estudiosos escrevem sobre o passado, a imagem da arqueologia nos meios de comunicação e os impactos da arqueologia em situações políticas voláteis. Escrito por alguns dos principais arqueólogos do Antigo Oriente Médio, este volume congrega estudiosos de diversas origens com ampla gama de interesses e variadas abordagens intelectuais.

A arqueologia como um produto social… as implicações políticas e ideológicas da prática arqueológica… arqueologia, colonialismo, imperialismo, ideologia, religião, bíblia… Este é o assunto deste livro.

Susan Pollock

Veja o sumário:

1.  Introduction – Susan Pollock and Reinhard Bernbeck
2.  A Cultural-Historical Framework – Reinhard Bernbeck and Susan Pollock

Part I – Producing and Disseminating Knowledge About the Ancient Near East
3.  Who Has Not Eaten Cherr with the Devil? Archaeology under Challenge – Caroline Steele
4.  Archaeology and Nationalism in the Holy Land – Adel H.Yahya
5.  Archaeology Goes to War at the Newsstand – Susan Pollock
6.  The Past as Fact and Fiction: From Historical Novels to Novel Histories – Reinhard Bernbeck

Part II – Reassessing Evolutionary “Firsts”
7.  Bleeding or Breeding: Neandertals vs. Early Modern Humans in the Middle Paleolithic Levant – John Shea
8.  Lumps of Clay and Pieces of Stone: Ambiguity, Bodies, and Identity as Portrayed in Neolithic Figurines – Ian Kuijt and Meredith S. Chesson
9.  The State: The Process of State Formation as Seen from Mesopotamia – Jean-Daniel Forest
10. Archaeology, Bible, and the History of the Levant in the Iron Age – Israel Finkelstein
11. Imperialism – Mario Liverani

Part III – Constructing Arguments, Understanding Perceptions
12. Ethnoarchaeology, Analogy, and Ancient Society – Marc Verhoeven
13. The Ancient Sumerians in the Tides of Time – Petr Charvát
14. Reliquaries on the Landscape: Mounds as Matrices of Human Cognition – Sharon R. Steadman
15. Archaeology and Texts in the Ancient Near East – Paul Zimansky
16. Representations, Reality, and Ideology – Jennifer C. Ross

Reinhard Bernbeck

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Arqueologia e imperialismo na Mesopotâmia

MALLEY, S. Layard enterprise: Victorian archaeology and informal imperialism in Mesopotamia. International Journal of Middle East Studies, Cambridge, 40 (4), p. 623-646, 2008.

In this essay I argue that the myth of archaeological stewardship needs to be historicized and problematized at its very birthplace. For the British, this begins with the myth of “Layard of Nineveh.” Shawn Malley is professor of English at Bishop’s University, Canada.

Artigo interessante, mostrando aspectos imperialistas na arqueologia da Mesopotâmia.

Shawn Malley

Deste autor e sobre este tema, confira o livro:

MALLEY, S. From Archaeology to Spectacle in Victorian Britain: The Case of Assyria, 1845-1854. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 220 p. – ISBN 9781138254541.

MALLEY, S. From Archaeology to Spectacle in Victorian Britain: The Case of Assyria, 1845-1854. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 220 p.

In this detailed and rigorously researched study, Shawn Malley examines Austen Henry Layard’s excavation of Assyria, and its subsequent impact upon literary, cultural, religious and scientific spheres. Concurrently, he grapples with the imperialistic repercussions of the removal of antiquities to British institutions (focusing exclusively on the British Museum), and the implications for Layard as a middle-class individual thrust into aristocratic circles on the back of his twin archaeological and political endeavours. From Archaeology to Spectacle in Victorian Britain is rich with original archival research, conducted at the British Library, British Museum and Foreign Office, and it is Malley’s unearthing and analysis of such material that makes this monograph so significant within a growing corpus of critical studies dealing with literature and archaeology in this period, complementing such respected works as Frederick Bohrer’s Orientalism and Visual Culture: Imagining Mesopotamia in Nineteenth-Century Europe (2003) and David Gange’s Dialogues with the Dead: Egyptology in British Culture and Religion, 1822-1922 (2013). Investigating the intersections between biblical archaeology and British imperialism, Malley draws upon postprocessual archaeological theory, bringing together the methodologies of diverse critical fields. Across five chapters, and enhanced by copious illustrations, From Archaeology to Spectacle in Victorian Britain addresses the potent cultural ripples radiating out from Layard’s archaeological and diplomatic mission (Eleanor Dobson)

Pesquisando as cidades do Antigo Oriente Médio

LIVERANI, M. Immaginare Babele: Due secoli di studi sulla città orientale antica. Bari: Laterza, 2013, 530 p. – ISBN 9788858106518.

LIVERANI, M. Immaginare Babele: Due secoli di studi sulla città orientale antica. Bari: Laterza, 2013, 530 p.

In questo libro Mario Liverani racconta come, nell’arco di due secoli, le città dell’antico Oriente sono tornate a vivere per noi, dapprima solo immaginate, sulla scorta delle notizie bibliche e della letteratura classica; poi intraviste da viaggiatori alla ricerca della Torre di Babele in un paesaggio cosparso di macerie informi; infine scavate, descritte, misurate, classificate, interpretate a seconda delle tendenze culturali degli studiosi. Dopo due secoli di scavi, di studi e di mutevoli approcci è possibile finalmente costruire un quadro d’insieme non solo dell’attività di ricerca ma anche dei suoi risultati, che restituiscono le città dell’antico Oriente – grazie all’apporto di varie discipline – nel loro splendore architettonico e artistico e nella loro vita socio-economica. Mario Liverani è uno archeologo e storico italiano. Professore emerito di Storia del Vicino Oriente antico presso l’Università La Sapienza di Roma, Italia.

LIVERANI, M. Imagining Babylon: The Modern Story of an Ancient City. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2016, 488 p. – ISBN 9781614516026.

LIVERANI, M. Imagining Babylon: The Modern Story of an Ancient City. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2016, 488 p.

Ever since the archaeological rediscovery of the Ancient Near East, generations of scholars have attempted to reconstruct the “real Babylon,” known to us before from the evocative biblical account of the Tower of Babel. After two centuries of excavations and scholarship, Mario Liverani provides an insightful overview of modern, Western approaches, theories, and accounts of the ancient Near Eastern city. Mario Liverani is Professor Emeritus at the University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

A arqueologia e seu meio social em perspectiva histórica

TRIGGER, B. G. A History of Archaeological Thought. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, 710 p. – ISBN 9780521600491.

TRIGGER, B. G. A History of Archaeological Thought. 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, 710 p.

This work traces the history and context of archaeological research and practice around the world, and examines underlying ideas and values. The primary goal of this book is to survey the intellectual history of archaeology in an attempt to evaluate the claims of three alternative epistemologies that are currently being applied to archaeology. Positivist epistemologists maintain that society and culture exert no significant influence on the development of archaeology, which is shaped by explanations based on explicit theories being tested in the light of adequate evidence and according to proper scientific methods. Extreme relativists argue that the interpretation of archaeological data is so influenced by the intellectual persuasions, class interests, ethnic loyalties, gender prejudices, and personal self-interest of archaeologists that objectivity is impossible. There is no such thing as objective knowledge, and, therefore, no one truth but many possibly antithetical truths. Moderate relativists concede that archaeological interpretations are influenced by society, culture, and self-interest but maintain that archaeological evidence constrains speculation. Bruce Graham Trigger (1937– 2006) was a Canadian archaeologist.

TRIGGER, B. G. História do pensamento arqueológico. 2. ed. São Paulo: Odysseus, 2011, 630 p. -ISBN 9788578760175.

TRIGGER, B. G. História do pensamento arqueológico. 2. ed. São Paulo: Odysseus, 2011, 630 p.

Esse livro examina as relações entre a arqueologia e seu meio social em uma perspectiva histórica. Um tal enfoque possibilita uma visão comparativa a partir da qual problemas relativos a subjetividade, objetividade e acumulação gradual de conhecimento podem ser apreciados.

A arqueologia é uma ciência social no sentido de que ela procura explicar o que aconteceu a um grupo específico de seres humanos no passado e fazer generalizações a respeito do processo de mudança cultural. Porém, ao contrário dos etnólogos, dos geógrafos, dos sociólogos, dos cientistas políticos e dos economistas, os arqueólogos não podem observar o comportamento da população que eles estudam; ao contrário dos historiadores, também não têm, na maioria dos casos, acesso direto ao pensamento dessa gente registrado em textos escritos. A arqueologia infere comportamento humano, e também ideias, a partir de materiais remanescentes do que pessoas fizeram e usaram, e do impacto físico de sua presença no meio ambiente. A interpretação de dados arqueológicos depende da compreensão de como seres humanos se comportam no presente e, em particular, de como esse comportamento se reflete na cultura material. Os arqueólogos também têm de recorrer a princípios uniformitaristas para que possam valer-se do entendimento de processos biológicos e geológicos contemporâneos na inferência de como tais processos ajudaram a configurar o registro arqueológico. No entanto, eles estão longe de chegar a um acordo a respeito de como esses saberes podem ser legítima e compreensivamente aplicados aos seus dados a fim de tornar inteligível o comportamento humano passado.

É talvez decepcionantemente fácil mostrar que, no mundo inteiro, a interpretação da evidência arqueológica é influenciada por condições políticas, sociais e econômicas, assim como pela tendência de indivíduos e grupos a afirmar seus interesses apresentando objetivos egoístas como se fossem altruístas. Além do mais, interpretações arqueológicas são diretamente influenciadas por preconceitos de gênero, por interesses étnicos, pelo controle político da pesquisa e da publicação, pelo financiamento das atividades arqueológicas, por conflitos de geração entre os pesquisadores e por influências idiossincráticas de arqueólogos carismáticos. São também influenciadas pela sociedade indiretamente, através de modelos analíticos oferecidos pelas ciências físicas e biológicas e, em maior medida, pelas ciências sociais, assim como pela continuidade da aceitação de explicações arqueológicas estabelecidas cujo caráter obsoleto não se tornou evidente.

No entanto, apenas muito raramente são encontradas correspondências simples entre as interpretações arqueológicas e as condições sociais. Essas interpretações não constituem, na maioria, reflexo direto de tais condições, antes vêm a ser versões do passado criadas por arqueólogos que tentam, em circunstâncias históricas particulares, promover, ou defender, interesses e preferências sociais. Esses interesses variam e podem ser apoiados de diferentes maneiras.

Bruce Graham Trigger (1937– 2006), arqueólogo canadense

Bruce Graham Trigger (1937– 2006) foi um arqueólogo canadense.

Teoria e método em arqueologia

RENFREW, C. ; BAHN, P. Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice. 7. ed. London: Thames & Hudson, 2016, 672 p. – ISBN 9780500292105.

RENFREW, C. ; BAHN, P. Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice. 7. ed. London: Thames & Hudson, 2016, 672 p.

This new edition is the most comprehensive introduction to archaeological method and theory available. It is used by instructors and students for introductory courses on methods and theory, but also for classes on archaeological field methods, archaeological science, and a number of other courses. The book presents an up-to-date and accurate overview of the world of archaeology in the 21st century. Colin Renfrew is Disney Professor Emeritus of Archaeology and former Director of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at the University of Cambridge, UK. Paul Bahn is a freelance writer, translator, and broadcaster in archaeology.

Uma abrangente introdução à teoria e ao método arqueológico. O livro apresenta uma visão atualizada e precisa do mundo da arqueologia no século XXI. É considerado um clássico na área.

Colin Renfrew

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

As principais correntes teóricas da arqueologia

JOHNSON, M. Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. 2. ed. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2010, 328 p. – ISBN 9781405100151.

JOHNSON, M. Archaeological Theory: An Introduction. 2. ed. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2010, 328 p.

This book is an introductory essay on archaeological theory [the application of philosophy of science to archaeology]. It tries to explain something of what ‘theory’ is, its relationship to archaeological practice, how it has developed within archaeology over the last few decades, and how archaeological thought relates to theory in the human sciences and the intellectual world generally. Exploring the many ways of approaching the human past, from positivism to post-modernism, Johnson reveals the historical origins of different schools of thought and sets theories against the practical problems they are intended to solve, as well as against wider developments in other disciplines. Matthew H. Johnson is Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Northwestern University, USA.

Este livro traz um panorama das principais correntes teóricas da arqueologia. Explica o que é “teoria”, sua relação com a prática arqueológica e como ela se desenvolveu dentro da arqueologia nas últimas décadas.

Matthew H. Johnson

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Um relato do estado atual da teoria arqueológica

HODDER, I. (ed.) Archaeological Theory Today. 2 ed. Cambridge: Polity, 2012, 320 p. – ISBN 9780745653068. 

HODDER, I. (ed.) Archaeological Theory Today. 2 ed. Cambridge: Polity, 2012, 320 p.

This volume provides an authoritative account of the current status of archaeological theory, as presented by some of its major exponents and innovators over recent decades. It summarizes the latest developments in the field and looks to its future, exploring some of the cutting–edge ideas at the forefront of the discipline. The volume captures the diversity of contemporary archaeological theory. Some authors argue for an approach close to the natural sciences, others for an engagement with cultural debate about representation of the past. Some minimize the relevance of culture to societal change, while others see it as central; some focus on the contingent and the local, others on long–term evolution. While few practitioners in theoretical archaeology would today argue for a unified disciplinary approach, the authors in this volume increasingly see links and convergences between their perspectives. The volume also reflects archaeology′s new openness to external influences, as well as the desire to contribute to wider debates. The contributors examine ways in which archaeological evidence contributes to theories of evolutionary psychology, as well as to the social sciences in general, where theories of social relationships, agency, landscape and identity are informed by the long–term perspective of archaeology. Ian Hodder  (born 1948) is a British archaeologist.  Dunlevie Family Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University, USA.

Este volume fornece um relato competente do estado atual da teoria arqueológica, como apresentado por alguns de seus principais expoentes e inovadores nas últimas décadas.

Ian Hodder  (born 1948)

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia
Sugestões de livros para iniciar os estudos em Arqueologia

Uma breve introdução à arqueologia

FAGAN, B. M. ; DURRANI, N. Archaeology: A Brief Introduction. 12. ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 424 p. – ISBN  9781138190313.

FAGAN, B. M. ; DURRANI, N. Archaeology: A Brief Introduction. 12. ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 424 p.

Archaeology is a jargon-free and accessible introduction to the field which details how archaeologists study the human past in all its fascinating diversity. Now in its twelfth edition, this classic textbook has been updated to reflect the latest research and new findings in the field. Reflecting the global scope of the discipline, the book has a truly international coverage of important discoveries and sites from many corners of the globe. Individual chapters examine archaeology and its history, considering the role of the archaeologist and how they discover, investigate and classify sites and artifacts. This journey through archaeology also includes a discussion of important individuals and groups, and some of the ways in which archaeologists attempt to explain major social and cultural changes in the remote past. Archaeology ends with an outline of the complex world of cultural resource management and gives invaluable advice on how to become an archaeologist. Richly illustrated throughout, this popular and engaging textbook on archaeological methods has introduced generations of students to the captivating world of archaeology.

Este é um clássico, já na 12ª edição.  Veja também o post anterior.

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Uma breve história da arqueologia

FAGAN, B. M. ; DURRANI, N. A Brief History of Archaeology: Classical Times to the Twenty-First Century. 2. ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 302 p. – ISBN 9781138657076.

FAGAN, B. M. ; DURRANI, N. A Brief History of Archaeology: Classical Times to the Twenty-First Century. 2. ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2016, 302 p.

This short account of the discipline of archaeology tells of spectacular discoveries and the colorful lives of the archaeologists who made them, as well as of changing theories and current debates in the field. Spanning over two thousand years of history, the book details early digs as well as covering the development of archaeology as a multidisciplinary science, the modernization of meticulous excavation methods during the twentieth century, and the important discoveries that led to new ideas about the evolution of human societies. Brian Murray Fagan (born 1936) is a British prolific author of popular archaeology books and a professor emeritus of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA. Nadia Durrani is a Cambridge University-trained archaeologist and writer, with a PhD from University College, London, in Arabian archaeology. She is former editor of Britain’s best-selling archaeology magazine, Current World Archaeology and has authored and edited many articles and books on archaeology from every corner of the globe.

Brian Murray Fagan (born 1936)

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia

Introdução à história da arqueologia

CLINE, E. H. Three Stones Make a Wall: The Story of Archaeology.  Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017, 480 p. – ISBN 9780691166407.

CLINE, E. H. Three Stones Make a Wall: The Story of Archaeology.  Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017, 480 p.

Written by Eric Cline, an archaeologist with more than thirty seasons of excavation experience, Three Stones Make a Wall traces the history of archaeology from an amateur pursuit to the cutting-edge science it is today by taking the reader on a tour of major archaeological sites and discoveries, from Pompeii to Petra, Troy to the Terracotta Warriors, and Mycenae to Megiddo and Masada. Cline brings to life the personalities behind these digs, including Heinrich Schliemann, the former businessman who excavated Troy, and Mary Leakey, whose discoveries advanced our understanding of human origins. The discovery of the peoples and civilizations of the past is presented in vivid detail, from the Hittites and Minoans to the Inca, Aztec, and Moche. Along the way, the book addresses the questions archaeologists are asked most often: How do you know where to dig? How are excavations actually done? How do you know how old something is? Who gets to keep what is found? Eric H. Cline (born 1960) is Professor of Classics and Anthropology and Director of the Capitol Archaeological Institute at George Washington University, USA.  Cf. Escavando Meguido.

 Eric H. Cline (born 1960)

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Histórias do Antigo Oriente Médio: uma bibliografia
Sugestões de livros para iniciar os estudos em Arqueologia