Tyndale House Greek New Testament

The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge está disponível em STEP Bible.

The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge


Initial thoughts on the Tyndale House Greek New Testament – By Peter Gurry

Dan Wallace, Larry Hurtado, James Snapp, Todd Scacewater, and Brice Jones have all given us their first impressions on the Tyndale House Greek New Testament (THGNT) and, since I have now had some time to look over my gratis copy, I thought I would share some of mine.

Fonte: Evangelical Textual Criticism – Monday, November 13, 2017

Morreu meu colega Luiz Henrique Bugnolo


Luiz Henrique Bugnolo: 30.08.1958 - 20.11.2017

Bugnolo foi meu aluno. Era Diretor Administrativo do CEARP e Professor na Faculdade de Teologia. Sua área era o Direito Canônico.

Bugnolo nasceu em 30 de agosto de 1958 e foi ordenado em 23 de maio de 1993. Cursou Direito na UNAERP, Filosofia e Teologia no CEARP (Ribeirão Preto) e Direito Canônico na Universidade Lateranense (Roma).

Diz a nota da Arquidiocese de Ribeirão Preto:

A Arquidiocese de Ribeirão Preto comunica com pesar o falecimento do padre Luiz Henrique Bugnolo, 59 anos, pároco da paróquia São Francisco de Assis, na tarde desta segunda-feira, 20 de novembro de 2017, na residência paroquial, em Ribeirão Preto (SP). Padre Bugnolo havia passado por procedimento cirúrgico para colocação de stent no coração no final do mês de outubro e estava em processo de recuperação.

A Igreja São Francisco de Assis, na Rua São Francisco de Assis, 230, Castelo Branco Novo, estará aberta a partir das 20 horas, desta segunda-feira, (20), para momentos de oração da comunidade, no aguardo da chegada do caixão com o corpo para início do velório. A Igreja permanecerá aberta durante a madrugada para o velório.

A missa de corpo presente será presidida pelo arcebispo Dom Moacir Silva, às 8 horas da terça-feira, (21). Terminada a missa o caixão com o corpo seguirá para a paróquia Divino Espírito Santo, em Serra Azul, onde o corpo será velado. O sepultamento está marcado para as 16 horas no Cemitério Municipal de Serra Azul.

Uma introdução aos Manuscritos do Mar Morto

BROOKE, G. J. ; HEMPEL, C. T&T Clark Companion to the Dead Sea Scrolls. London: Bloomsbury, 2018, 512 p. – ISBN 9780567352057

BROOKE, G. J. ; HEMPEL, C. T&T Clark Companion to the Dead Sea Scrolls. London: Bloomsbury, 2018, 512 p.

In 30 concise articles all of the key texts and documents are examined. A section on the complex methods used in anaylzing the scrolls then follows before the focus moves to consideration of the scrolls in their various contexts; political, religious, cultural, economic, historical. The genres ascribed to groups of texts within the scrolls are examined in the next section with due attention given to both past and present scholarship. The main body of the companion then concludes with crucial issues and topics discussed by leading scholars. The book finishes with appendices and indexes giving: timelines, lists of kings, family trees of the Seleucids, Ptolemies, Hasmoneans, lists of places and scrolls, information on electronic resources and classified bibliographies. The volume is illustrated throughout with some 60 images enabling readers to consider key texts from the scrolls not only in transcription but simultaneously with photographs.

George J. Brooke is Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester, UK. Charlotte Hempel is a Reader in Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism at the University of Birmingham, UK.

Para além dos textos: um retrato arqueológico de Israel e Judá

DEVER, W. G. Beyond the Texts: An Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017, 772 p. – ISBN 9780884142188.

DEVER, W. G. Beyond the Texts: An Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017, 772 p.

William G. Dever offers a welcome perspective on ancient Israel and Judah that prioritizes the archaeological remains to render history as it was — not as the biblical writers argue it should have been. Drawing from the most recent archaeological data as interpreted from a non theological point of view and supplementing that data with biblical material only when it converges with the archaeological record, Dever analyzes all the evidence at hand to provide a new history of ancient Israel and Judah that is accessible to all interested readers.

. A new approach to the history of ancient Israel
. Extensive bibliography
. More than eighty maps and illustrations

William G. Dever is Distinguished Visiting Professor at Lycoming College in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and Professor Emeritus at the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Arizona.

O contexto do livro de Rute

Terminei de ler Rute com o segundo ano de Teologia do CEARP ontem. Em perspectiva muito próxima à deste autor. Confira meu artigo Leitura socioantropológica do livro de Rute.

The Book of Ruth: Origin and Purpose – By E. Allen Jones III

The Bible and Interpretation – November 2017

As a last option for understanding Ruth, I would offer that Ruth does fit well when set against the background of the early post-exilic period. The literature on this time is vast and continues to grow, but it is safe to say that the small community in Judea in the late 500s to early 400s B.C.E. conflicted over various societal issues, one of which was how they should define the boundaries of their community. The prophet Zechariah believed that Jerusalem would throng with foreigners who would count as Yhwh’s people (Zech 2:15[EV 11]), but other persons from the Ezra-Nehemiah narrative feel that foreigners have no part in the community (Ezra 4:1-3; 9:1-4; Neh 13:1-3). This is not to say that Ruth reacts directly to the Ezra-Nehemiah text, nor should we read Ezra-Nehemiah uncritically as plain history, but it is reasonable to hold that community cohesion and in-group/out-group questions were live topics at the time. Within this debate, we can see how Ruth provides a counterfactual to a certain exclusivist perspective toward outsiders. The text is not so bold as to claim that all non-Israelites/Judeans should count as people of Yhwh, but it does demonstrate that there are cases where a foreigner can reasonably measure up to the standard of a true Israelite.

ALLEN JONES III, E. Reading Ruth in the Restoration Period: A Call for Inclusion. London: Bloomsburry T&T Clark, 2016, 224 p. – ISBN 9780567658449.

ALLEN JONES III, E. Reading Ruth in the Restoration Period: A Call for Inclusion. London: Bloomsburry T&T Clark, 2016, 224 p.

Most scholars of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament recognize Ruth’s simplicity and beauty, yet there has been little consensus in critical scholarship related to the book’s origin and purpose. Opinions on the text’s date range from the early monarchic period down to the Post-Exilic period, and interpreters argue over whether the narrative served to whitewash David’s lineage, or if it held Ruth out as a positive example of Gentile inclusion in the Judean community. With an eclectic approach drawing on traditional exegesis, analysis of inner-biblical allusions, comparisons of legal and linguistic data, and modern refugee research, Edward Allen Jones III argues that Ruth is, indeed, best understood as a call for an inclusive attitude toward any Jew or Gentile who desired to join the Judean community in the early Post-Exilic period. Within the narrative’s world, only Boaz welcomes Ruth into the Bethlehemite community, yet the text’s re-use of other biblical narratives makes it clear that Ruth stands on par with Israel’s great matriarchs. Though certain segments of the Judean community sought to purify their nation by expelling foreign elements in the Restoration period, Yhwh’s loving-kindness in Ruth’s life demonstrates his willingness to use any person to build up his people.

Para conhecer o mundo babilônico do I milênio a.C.: NaBuCCo

Sobre o projeto

Neo-Babylonian Cuneiform Corpus (NaBuCCo) é um site que pretende colocar metadados textuais online de cerca de 20.000 documentos neobabilônicos publicados, incluindo registros legais, administrativos e epistolares. Estes documentos foram criados no I milênio a. C. e se originaram principalmente de cinco grandes cidades da Mesopotâmia durante esse período: Babilônia, Borsippa, Nippur, Sippar e Uruk. O site coleta todos os dados meta textuais das fontes, parafraseia seu conteúdo, disponibiliza os dados online e os liga, através de sites parceiros, aos documentos originais dos quais são extraídos. Além do catálogo de texto, o projeto oferece uma bibliografia detalhada e abrangente sobre a Babilônia no primeiro milênio a. C.

Espera-se que o projeto beneficie os pesquisadores. Na verdade, o banco de dados, com sua ferramenta de pesquisa avançada, páginas interligadas e extensa bibliografia, permitirá que estudiosos do campo da assiriologia e também de outros campos da pesquisa histórica de todo o mundo trabalhem com uma coleção abrangente de textos babilônicos em seus próprios projetos. Espera-se também que o catálogo, a bibliografia e o portal NaBuCCo sejam ferramentas úteis para levar o mundo da Babilônia até os não especialistas. Este portal fornecerá informações consistentes sobre cronologia e eventos históricos, principais cidades e topografia, vários aspectos da sociedade e da economia da Babilônia do I milênio a. C. e estabelece as bases para a compreensão dos próprios textos apresentados. O usuário comum também encontrará explicações básicas sobre os tipos e a origem dos textos apresentados.

A equipe é formada por pesquisadores da Universidade Católica de Leuven, Bélgica, da Universidade de Viena, Áustria, e da Universidade de Tel Aviv, Israel.

Tablet n.: BM 30912

About the project

NaBuCCo is a text-oriented website that aims at putting online textual metadata of an estimated 20,000 published Babylonian documentary sources including legal, administrative and epistolary records. These documents have been created between roughly 800 and the end of the pre-Christian era and primarily originate from the five large cities of Mesopotamia during that time: Babylon, Borsippa, Nippur, Sippar and Uruk along with their agrarian hinterland. The website collects all meta-textual data from the sources, paraphrases their content, makes the data available online, and links them (via partner websites) to the original source documents from which they are extracted.

In addition to the text catalogue, the project offers a comprehensive up-to-date bibliography on Babylonia in the first millennium BCE.

We hope that the project will benefit the research community. Indeed, the database with its advanced search tool, interlinked pages and extensive bibliography will enable scholars from within the field of Assyriology and also from other historical fields from all over the world to work with a comprehensive collection of Babylonian texts for their own research projects.

At the same time we hope that NaBuCCo’s catalogue, bibliography and to be developed portal will be a useful tool to delve into the Babylonian world for non-specialists. While the main addressees are specialist and non-specialists scholars, the project also aims at approaching those stakeholders who are not scientifically involved in this kind of source material. Being freely accessible online, the NaBuCCo database can not only be searched through and experienced by any historically interested individual, but – most importantly – provides proper tools, namely the paraphrases, to understand the archival texts from Babylonia also without background knowledge. The access to and the basic understanding of the Babylonian world and its thousands of texts will, furthermore, be eased by the 1st Millennium BC Babylon Portal to be provided on the NaBuCCo website in the future. This portal will provide profound information about chronology and historical events, main cities and topography, various aspects of society and economy of 1st-millinium-BCE Babylonia and lays the foundation for an understanding of the presented texts themselves. The common user will also find basic explanations about the types and origin of the texts presented.

NaBuCCo, short for Nabucodonosor (English Nebuchadnezzar), is the title of an opera by Verdi in which the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II and the exile of the Judean population induced by him play a central role. We choose this name as acronym for a scientific project coined the Neo-Babylonian Cuneiform Corpus (NaBuCCo) that aims to make available clay tablets with cuneiform script originating from Babylonia or its immediate vicinity and dated to the Age of Empires (c. 770 BCE – 75 CE), a.o. tablets dated to the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (c. 605-562 BCE), who is no doubt the most famous king of one of the empires, the Neo-Babylonian (Chaldean) Empire.

The NaBuCCo project was created as part of the research project Greater Mesopotamia: Reconstruction of its Environment and History (GMREH), whose funding is provided by the Belgian Science Policy Office – BELSPO in the framework of the Interuniversity Attraction Poles (IAP) (2012-2017).

Principal investigators: Kathleen Abraham, KU Leuven; Michael Jursa, University of Vienna, and Shai Gordin, Ariel University / Tel Aviv University.

Introdução ao Método Genealógico Baseado na Coerência

Para entender o que é Método Genealógico Baseado na Coerência, leia primeiro este post de 18 de dezembro de 2013, escrito por Cássio Murilo Dias da Silva: Crítica textual do NT: Método genealógico baseado na coerência.

Agora leia o post de Tommy Wasserman, publicado em 25 de outubro de 2017: A New Approach to Textual Criticism – A Book that Will Keep You Awake 

E veja o livro:

WASSERMAN, T. ; GURRY, P. J. A New Approach to Textual Criticism: An Introduction to the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017, 164 p. – ISBN 9781628371994.

WASSERMAN, T. ; GURRY, P. J. A New Approach to Textual Criticism: An Introduction to the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017, 164 p.

With the publication of the widely used 28th edition of Nestle-Aland’s Novum Testamentum Graece and the 5th edition of the United Bible Society Greek New Testament, a computer-assisted method known as the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM) was used for the first time to determine the most valuable witnesses and establish the initial text. This book offers the first full-length, student-friendly introduction to this important new method. After setting out the method’s history, separate chapters clarify its key concepts, including genealogical coherence, textual flow diagrams, and the global stemma. Examples from across the New Testament are used to show how the method works in practice. The result is an essential introduction that will be of interest to students, translators, commentators, and anyone else who studies the Greek New Testament.

Confira também:
GURRY, P. J. A Critical Examination of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method in New Testament Textual Criticism. Leiden: Brill, 2017, 254 p. – ISBN 9789004354319.

GURRY, P. J. A Critical Examination of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method in New Testament Textual Criticism. Leiden: Brill, 2017, 254 p.

Tommy Wasserman is Professor of Biblical Studies at Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole, Kristiansand, Norway. He is secretary of the International Greek New Testament Project, serves on the board of the Centre for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, and has started projects on manuscript transcription and manuscript forgeries for the Museum of the Bible. He is Associate Editor of TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism.

Peter J. Gurry is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Phoenix Seminary. He has worked with the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts and the Museum of the Bible to both preserve and publish New Testament manuscripts.

Biblical Studies Carnival 141

Seleção de postagens dos biblioblogs em outubro de 2017.

Biblical Studies Carnival for October 2017

Trabalho feito por Doug Chaplin em seu biblioblog.