Morreu Giovanni Garbini (1931-2017)

Morreu ontem, dia 2 de janeiro de 2017, importante pesquisador do Antigo Oriente Médio, o italiano Giovanni Garbini. Com extensa obra publicada, Giovanni Garbini participou ativamente, em anos recentes, do debate sobre as atuais tendências da História de Israel.

Giovanni Garbini (1931-2017)

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Giovanni Garbini (1931-2017) – A number of colleagues are posting the saddest news on the death of Giovanni Garbini, this past Monday (January 2). Garbini was emeritus professor of Semitics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and a member of the Accademia dei Lincei. He published prolifically on Semitics and Biblical studies, with over 25 books (among which _Myth and History in the Bible_, Sheffield 2003) and over 500 papers. There is ample testimony of his gifts as a teacher and communicator.